Quote Originally Posted by simmmo View Post
I'd say half baked myself!

Ever since i first met you, wandering the streets putting tickets on little old lady's cars, for such dreadful offences as one wheel out of the parking bay (trying to get wheelchair out of the boot... never forget your smile as you issued it...) anyway as i was saying, i have always admired your sense of fair play.... i can also understand how you feel threatened by Rexy baby.. if you were half the man he is with half the good will and had even a smidgen of his charitable nature, you would be 10x the gir... sorry man you think you are.

You sit there with your Custom built rifle, your custom built stock and 2 grand of glass on top, yet you couldnt put pellet on pellet if the last pellet was still in the barrel....

You are an out dated, out classed 'has been' that never was...
I have not been shooting for a while because watching you embarrass yourself was getting me down, you are a sore loser and and a bald headed pie eater, that covers the best of you, i shall be back with the bad bits....

What has happened to your scores anyway? Didn't know you had crept up outta the 40's??

You want to get on the Ribena and leave that other red stuff to men who can handle it!

Happy new year Simpleton