Quote Originally Posted by sanibel686 View Post
It is within our DNA that groups of human beings with control over others will commonly act collectively; as an opportunistic mercenary self serving organism, as we have done for eons. So why did NE seemingly move so quickly in this particular direction in response to Packman's challenge?

I certainly don't think the movers and shakers within Natural England are spineless, out of touch or thick as others have said. Please don't give these individuals the cushioning excuse of mere stupidity. They knew what they were doing, they'll have discussed it at length in secret, they've considered the strategic opportunities before them and weighed up the collateral damage and the impact of the current backlash. They then probably formulated "verbal only" internal briefings to raise deflector shields among front facing staff whilst wringing the changes.

Individuals in NE will be maneuvering to maximize; money, power, influence and personal career progression whilst tactically minimising personal risk (the slopey shoulder brigade). Why? because professional life is about politics and the subject matter is secondary after a while.

The reason is just not clear to us yet why they acted how they did but what is clear is that they have an insidious agenda that we need to uncover order to fight it.

Consider this; an individual at NE, a single person not a faceless group, has made a decision that may have the effect of bankrupting some farms this year. To say nothing of the effect on the myriad small businesses in the gun trade selling shooting accessories, decoys etc. What is he personally getting out of this not so accidental terrorism?

What might happen? I can just see a glint in the eyes of NE as they smell the money and the glory and use this as a reason to introduce a revenue generating licensing system. Say, where individual farmers must pay for the privilege of protecting their own crops, which in turn will precipitate the further commercialisation of pigeon shooting for the rest of us.

Who in the shooting organisations will be publicly holding this individual to book?
...Or it may be that NE did not have the resource to do what was required of them, following cuts to budget and personnel. I believe they are due to have a further £8m chopped this year. One could draw parallels with police forces (Manchester in particular, I believe) dropping investigation of "low profile crime" as they no longer have the resource to deal with it.