There are chancers in every walk of life, and airgun collecting is no different. As always it pays to do your research.

The saying " Everything comes to he who waits" is very true and never more so that in collecting, HOWEVER sometimes the wait is a very long time, so if you have a need for a specific gun to fill a hole in your collection, then it is often worth paying a bit more ( over the market price) to avoid the long wait.

Often the dealers will take a fair offer on stock, as as others have said, no one see's all the time and money spent following up leads and visiting sellers in order to get this wonderful stock. Every time I visit Tim Dyson's stall at Kempton, I am amazed at all the wonderfully rare things on show - which would probably take a collector a lifetime to amass the slow way. I don't begrudge them a fair profit for what they do ( and also its free to look, and to ask questions)

Caveat Emptor - Buyer beware ! Never more true in collecting .
