Thank you Loiner,

The quality of the Ruger Old Army has never been in doubt after you guys had told me they are the best, and indeed, I could feel the quality in my hand in the shop. The problem was with this actual gun, it had suspicious marks and some play where I was told there should be none.

If there had been a person I trust by my side to check to gun over, I'd have bought it without a second thought, but unfortunately this is/was not the case and as you say, if in doubt, walk away. If I had just bought it blind because a forum member told me to and it turned out to be junk, I'd be stuck with an old obsolete gun needing fixing with no spares backup. I'd also be £400 down, not be able to sell it or shoot it and I'd have lost the only place on my certificate for a 44 revolver, so buying a second 44 revolver would not be an option until this one was gone (or fixed).

I have looked at Krank and GunStar/Trader and there are a good few listed for about the same money, so I have options. By the sound of what I read, BP pistols are falling on hard times now, and the values are falling by the day. I don't 'need' a BP revolver, I'd just like one, so as they say, you never know what tomorrow will bring?

I have given some thought to the Remmy I was offered the other day, I trust the seller and it's only £150. By the seems of it, even £150 is too much these days, but the gun is exactly what I'd have wanted if I were buying a Remmy 1858 and the seller says it's tight, mint and basically new. I CAN afford to loss £150, so there is no real risk here, so this maybe my best option until a better Ruger comes along, and it will one day.

Who knows what is hiding away in my club members gun safes