Quote Originally Posted by jedburgh View Post
I need a couple of the little springs that go either side of the slider .
Has anyone had any luck finding or making any ?
Many thanks .
They are fiddly as small but can be made, I used to make mainsprings / frizzen etc. springs for guns back in the 80's for a Black powder guy, the BSA one is simple by comparison, I used to get my material here sometimes I recall;


And I also had a bottle of real Whale Oil.....long gone now.

Also other stuff can be used for non action springs, (ie. little "flat" springs as opposed to hairpin or heavier tapered types) maybe even an old HW rearsight may be fine for the Beeza.

Some ideas here;


If you need the dimensions let me know I and I will pull one apart.

As for finding one, put it on the list with the Hen's Teeth and Unicorn tusk.....although I bet there are some in a dusty drawer somewhere where the owner has no idea what they have!......I bought a load of N.O.S. BSA prewar cocking arm pushbuttons once like this (long gone).