Well then, thx lads.

@ Eyebull.
The concept of SSG is simple after all and seeing the build the Artemis PR-900/Diana Stormrider is it at least to me came out as the obvious solution.
Point being that it hands adjustability, and more so in the right spot.
"Air hogs" are no fun at all, and setting a SSG up to minimize hammer bounce and the likes certainly IS doable. Best thing since sliced bread? Far from it, but as noted the 900 lacks provision for anything more elaborate really.
That would, in such a case, bring a complete redesign of the rifles rear me thinks.

Yes. The application of a SSG in this case really does save the day, at least to an extent. No matter the power level of a PR-900 the size of the stock tank isn´t exactly anything to write home about why every little bit helps.
In fact making such a setup work for a sub 12 footpound setup would in my book be a viable thought no doubt. Seeing that very limited 100cc capacity..
In the case of the mule though i´m giving serious thought to a buddy bottle with a regulator. Reasons i guess are clear enough, but again.. might very well be something to at least ponder for sub 12 guns too.?

One thing that has struck me like a ton of bricks with these Artemis offerings (currently die hard into a P15) is their weight. Other end of the spectre there´s guns like the Hatsan BT-65 and what not, that thus in my opinion fail to realize on what the PCP concept, for lack of better wording, brings.
Love that about the PR-900 and P15 both, that they´re feather light.
Enter buddy bottle, because as i stripped the stock of the 900 of its original finish and revealed that wonderful piece of lumber beneath it about blew my sox off.
After all, this is an el-cheapo PCP gun if ever but to be quite candid that there changed face of the thing. Looks, but more importantly FEELS, lika a million bux in comparsion.
The P15?
We´ll see..

That said them "kilos not there" sure makes for a difference touting the thing around, which i guess to an extent is my point in case. Ditto for the P15.
I own a BT-65 as well and.. well, let´s just arrive on that it at the moment is the LEAST used PCP gun of mine. No matter who´s to shoot it.

One point where the P15 brings home all the marbles vs the 900 (and the BT too for that matter) is its side lever setup. Spoiled, to a degree at least, by the Impact of mine. So. To be clear on that.. sidelevers from hereon out.

Looking into getting me yet another PCP at the moment actually and have given thought to a semi auto Kral in 25cal. A tad curious as far as the semis, being all to aware of the full auto ones too that are completely off the charts IMO. Yanks and their fabless for anything full auto.. I don´t care.
Like Townsend Wheelen once said, "only interesting guns are accurate guns as the idea of shooting is to hit what you´re aiming at".
Not like i would ever even consider going full auto on anything alive.. so BS to me.

Repeaters and semis though, different matter all together.