It's not the loudest of PCPs but like you I also shoot in my garden, or like to be able to. My neighbor saw me loading up my car a while back and started talking. During the chat he mentioned his dog getting stressed when I'm shooting. Now as I have a dog myself I have to be a little sympathetic to this as mine doesn't dig it but doesn't make a fuss either. Given the chance she would rather not be around me shooting I know that much.

I ended up fitting a rowan adapter to my Steyr so I can shoot that at home and keep my hand in for standing and kneeling practice and I still shoot my 97 and 98 with silencers on. My Pro Target on the other hand I won't unless I know they are out with the dog. Fortunately they've buggered off to Spain this weekend for a couple of months!

I don't get POI issues with the Steyr as its not floated and is braced, plus it's an easy screw on moderator. Some would argue that would give me issues but that's another thread and FWIW I don't get issues. Not attributed to that anyway.