Quote Originally Posted by jonnyone View Post
Good idea.
I think that by upping the piston all up weight before you go anywhere else you will see the benefits (or otherwise) in increments. Only slight downside as we all know is the mere act of stripping the gun disturbs the lubes etc. Its near impossible not to disturb lubes on tasks like this.

Instinct tells me if you can improve things with the leather going synthetic will yield more improvements. However those with the leather fetish may (no, definitely, ) disagree

Well after chopping an extra 10mm off the guide the gun cocks and fires so I ran it over the chrono. :-


I'm not happy with it though, and I'm quite happy to admit that I'm way out of my comfort zone using a leather seal.

I soaked the seal in Neatsfoot Oil while I was machining the weight and polishing all the internals, then I dried it off before reassembly.

Though most of the shots over the chrono with Superdomes are in the 585 - 600fps range, every now and then it'll fire at just under 300fps for a couple of shots and then go back up.

When it is running at the higher velocity it's fairly consistent either with or without a bit of smoke which is weird.

Now I know the age old advice with leather seals is to put a couple of tins of pellets through the gun until it settles down but life's too short for that, besides which I'm a tight git --- have you seen the price of pellets lately.

Anyway, I'm going to leave it alone for a day or two now while I think about it, as I still think I'd be happier using a synthetic seal or O ring as I know where I am with them.
Another thing I'm not happy with is the cocking stroke as the gun sounds like a bag of spanners --- I put this down to the awfull Spring guide and piston.

Apart from the above we're all good.

At least I now know why nobody bothered to tune these back in the good old days --- they're a right pain in the arse to work on.

All the best Mick