Without further ado :-

Superdomes =10.28ftlbs

Hobbies = 11.08 ftlbs

So without any detonation I've lost 0.9ftlbs.

But, and it's a big but, the gun now cocks as smooth as silk and is near enough recoilless --- yes I know everyone says that but this is a really fast firing cycle with very little movement.

There's several ways I could go with this but I'm tempted to leave it alone and maybe just put some diopters on it for garden plinking.

Other thoughts are buy a new Spring as I don't know this one's history.
Weight the piston some more to see if Superdomes velocity rises.
Remove the 10mm of preload washers and see what it does --- it could be over sprung.
Drill out the transfer port but I feel it's good enough at 2.8mm.

I'll have another think on it, but I'm happy at 11 with Hobbies --- and before anyone says try FTTs, the barrel is that tight that I near enough have to hammer them in.

All the best Mick