Quote Originally Posted by acmsarh View Post
There is a part of the explosives regulations ( MSER)2014 That allows the making and unmaking of small arms ammunition for recreational use

32. Regulation 6(2)(b) provides for a limited ‘manufacture’ of small arms ammunition without the need
of a licence to manufacture i.e.
“the making or unmaking of small arms ammunition, or ammunition with inert projectiles intended for
use in recreational or occupational firearms, or the preparation of cartridges for use with firearms which
are to be used at historical re-enactment events, where the total quantity of primer and propellant used
at any one time does not exceed 2 kilograms and, for these purposes, the quantity of propellant used
includes propellant removed from cartridges

Thank you

I actually found the thread, my mistake, it wasn't on here, it was over on the stalking directory.