I'm sorry to say those result are way under what a decent HFT500 and shooter can do
A 5p at 25 meters is not great for a PCP, 40m is decent, and 50m is very good. A 5p is just 18mm across, and for reference, its bigger than the red bulls in the target below, which were 5 shot groups, shot indoors rested at 30m, it would cover the 7 circle, so it gives you an idea of what your gun should be shooting like. Quality pellets are always the way to go for accuracy, I don't even try cheap/hollow/pointed ones, they are never as good as a quality domed pellet.
The numbers beside the pellet type are batch numbers of the same pellets BTW, if I'm testing for BR I'll normally do 24 types/batches, but for other guns I just do half a dozen as I'm only looking for a decent one, not a brilliant one.