Quote Originally Posted by TonyL View Post
I can well imagine, Ian.

I think either would make a most interesting addition to the Boinger Bash repertoire. Possibly more likely the snooker challenge taking into account our lower numbers. We could also possibly make it into a charity fundraiser like Craig-P organised back in 2017 at Mick's with a "three gun challenge" (open sighted pistol, open sighted rifle and scoped rifle). For the snooker challenge, we could use either smaller targets or longer ranges for the higher value scoring colours?
What a grand idea. I think it's a bit late in the day to organise this for next weeks' bash but perhaps we could have a chat with Neil and sort something for the next one. I'm more than happy to help run it and could have a word with work, plus some other outfitters to see if they'd sponsor us, like Solware kindly did last time.