I hope you continue to have a lovely break up in Scotland, Pete.

Like your good self I have rather too many projects that either aren't quite finished or need starting, so really shouldn't be looking at any extra guns. Having said that, as and when funds and space did allow, I could see an LGV and, maybe, a Tracker joining the menagerie one day. And, pistol wise, an LP53 and FWB 65/80.

I hope your Brocock project goes well. It should do, given your BSA experience. And it's nice to get something a little different shooting so nicely. That reminds me, my little Slavia 634 hasn't been out of the cabinet for ages. Must get it out for a play sometime. An off-the-beaten-track rifle that shoots beautifully after having benefitted from fitting some of Nick's guides and a good fettling.