It’s marmite. Fans love it. A nearly 177 that hits nearly like a 22, or a nearly 22 that flies nearly like a 177.

Its critics say it combines the weaknesses of both more than their strengths.

I’m agnostic. I have 3, and like them. But, as a factual matter, demand for .20” on the U.K. and global markets has shrunk since a possible hey-day in the 80s and continues to reduce, and the number of available pellet types (though all good ones) has gone down in a few years from about ten to about five or six, and, in my judgment, is likely to get smaller not bigger.

I’ve said it before, but I can only see a resurgence of .20” if a possible lead ban made .177” much less viable as a pest control calibre than it currently is. Please though don’t derail this into a lead ban thread.