Quote Originally Posted by angrybear View Post
Just wrong plain & simple,
your 7.9gn would be doing about 806fps at 11.4fpe, the same velocity (to give the same trajectory) from a 16gn .22 is only around 22.5 fpe, when most FAC .22's run 30 fpe for around 950fps, which is well within stable velocity for a diabolo pellet.
I explained the Compromises all 3 calibres make in a post above,
or to make it even simpler to understand, take every parameter of the shot .177 will win 1 or 2, but come last in others, likewise so will the .22, but .20 will be runner-up in every aspect & not come last in anything,
Which clearly makes it the best of the 3 compromises.
I said 16-20 grain and I said "probably" as flat if not flatter depending upon weight of the .22.
I agree that the larger heavier pellet retains more energy, that's why I have tested lots of pellets at 10-11 grain in .177. Advantage, none just make trajectory more loopy.
As it has been determined that 3ftlb of energy is what is needed to dispatch a rabbit, and my 7.9 has tested at just under 5 at FT range, and still goes through both eyeballs at this range there is more than enough "hitting" power left. Not to body shot a rabbit, and risk wounding it, but clean head shot instant kill. I do the same with rats at 5-10 yards squirrels at 40+ etc. So tell me again the advantage of another calibre or FAC air to me that would out perform my Rapid/Prem combo.