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Thread: 20 Calibre saves a lot of hassle discuss

  1. #91
    Join Date
    Feb 2011

    .20 saves a lot of hassle

    .20 It's a lot easier to shoot this calibre than it is to talk about Map out the pellets fight path with .20 N&N FTT and you'll find, If you've shot .177 bis mags there really isn't much in it between the two them.

    A skill of the air gun hunter is to carry a pellet suitable for close range shoots, .177 tend to drill through .20 is less likely too and if JSB .20 pellets are to tight in your barrel, sizing them will give flat surface to the head of the pellet, which can be useful and will help stabilise the pellet at range.

  2. #92
    Join Date
    Sep 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by gsxrman View Post
    OP statement was .20 the best sub 12 CAL.
    not FAC or do you like your .20 gun.
    Simple answer is no, it is not the best all round calibre at sub 12
    That is why there are limited guns and limited ammo cos of one simple thing, lack of demand.
    now they have been around a long time and plenty of people have tried them s as no took them out peering or to the club where others see and have a go
    Then most go what’s the point, I don’t get it, and stick to .177 of .22
    So the vast majority of people can’t be wrong
    Simple really, and as .177 is more versatile at sub 12 than .22, the best all round cal dub 12 is obvious.
    Oh, back to points that are regularly addressed

    .20 is the best sub 12 HUNTING calibre,
    if you only shoot paper/tin as many club shooters do, then .177 is easier to judge range differences, easier to get higher scores, for those that worry about such things, so yes there's no point

    There are limited guns purely down to a mix of economics & catch-22,
    If there were equal numbers of .20 on the shelf, they would sell
    but when only a few brands make them & those brands that do are special order, cost more & then take months to arrive it's hardly a surprise that there's limited take up,

    Without more take-up they won't make more rifles, but without more rifles there cannot be more take-up = Catch 22

    Limited ammo isn't an issue, because I've never heard of a .20 barrel that isn't bang on with either H&N's or JSB's,
    there might be 100+ brands of .177/.22 ammo but half of them are pointless garbage, & the other half are badged variants from the same 2-3 manufactures.

    The vast majority of people can be, & are, wrong on a daily basis , a look at the pap people watch on TV, popular social media, or the mediocre cars on the top seller lists.

    .177 isn't more versatile, it's just 'small & light', so can shoot faster & flatter when governed by the sub 12 law, it has nothing else going for it in the slightest.

  3. #93
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    Oct 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by angrybear View Post
    Oh, back to points that are regularly addressed

    .20 is the best sub 12 HUNTING calibre,
    if you only shoot paper/tin as many club shooters do, then .177 is easier to judge range differences, easier to get higher scores, for those that worry about such things, so yes there's no point

    There are limited guns purely down to a mix of economics & catch-22,
    If there were equal numbers of .20 on the shelf, they would sell
    but when only a few brands make them & those brands that do are special order, cost more & then take months to arrive it's hardly a surprise that there's limited take up,

    Without more take-up they won't make more rifles, but without more rifles there cannot be more take-up = Catch 22

    Limited ammo isn't an issue, because I've never heard of a .20 barrel that isn't bang on with either H&N's or JSB's,
    there might be 100+ brands of .177/.22 ammo but half of them are pointless garbage, & the other half are badged variants from the same 2-3 manufactures.

    The vast majority of people can be, & are, wrong on a daily basis , a look at the pap people watch on TV, popular social media, or the mediocre cars on the top seller lists.

    .177 isn't more versatile, it's just 'small & light', so can shoot faster & flatter when governed by the sub 12 law, it has nothing else going for it in the slightest.
    You have just answered most of my argument
    Most popular rifles that sold well like the Rapid for instance have been made in.20 so it had all chance of the other calibres
    .177 carries and retains enough energy at FT range to despatch within quarry
    .177 flies flatter and faster and deals with wind better
    Therefore making the .177 much easier to be accurate with over varied ranges and as that what counts it has to be the best cal sub12

  4. #94
    Join Date
    Nov 2011
    Wow, I wonder if those last couple of Uk power air rifles on Gun T in 20 cal will sell before this thread drops down
    Looking for TO-6 Trigger unit unmessed with or T0-6 kit for 34

  5. #95
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    Ha ha I can't believe this thes thread is still being debated...

    As usual with a debate I guess no conclusion has been drawn ..

  6. #96
    Join Date
    Sep 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by prosport.177 View Post
    Ha ha I can't believe this thes thread is still being debated...

    As usual with a debate I guess no conclusion has been drawn ..

    The conclusion is that those of us who use it, know the benefits & how good it is,
    those blinkered that .177 is the only calibre that can hit a target, will never change .

  7. #97
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    Oct 2007
    The debate is difficult to conclude just over text. Where as in reality points can be proved and shown where he fits are

  8. #98
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by angrybear View Post
    The conclusion is that those of us who use it, know the benefits & how good it is,
    those blinkered that .177 is the only calibre that can hit a target, will never change .
    Ha ha yes I agree that is why I shoot .22

    The .177s getting used less and less )

  9. #99
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    Yeovil/Moreton in Marsh
    Quote Originally Posted by angrybear View Post
    The conclusion is that those of us who use it, know the benefits & how good it is,
    those blinkered that .177 is the only calibre that can hit a target, will never change .
    That argument works just as well for blinkered .20 shooters too
    In a battle of wits I refuse to engage with an unarmed person.
    To one shot one kill, you need to seek the S. Kill only comes from Skill

  10. #100
    Join Date
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    East Sussex, Nr Rye
    Shot placement is the only thing that counts when hunting.
    Any calibre delivered with precision will do the job.
    Size difference between calibers does not make up for errors in delivery.
    Rats are the smallest critter, and pretty small, their vitals tiny. A .177 drilled through one is a big hole, but a .25 a giant hole; .20 or .22 very big.
    Squirrels are bigger and tough, and require a vital to be destroyed for instantaneous end.
    Pigeon are similar, with the added issue of larger calibres being stopped in the crop and feather plugging at longer range, which basically means head shots at longer ranges.
    Rabbits can take hits from all calibres so unless a heart or head shot then not going down on the spot.

    All calibres are easy enough to master at farmyard ranges, 20m or so. From 25m onwards then range judgement, ballistic drop, and wind calls, have to be absolutely spot on. The most forgiving calibre is the .177 because of its velocity which is marketably higher than any of the other calibres. It retains enough energy to drill through to a vital at those extended ranges too.

    If I was shooting just farmyard ranges then 20 or .22 would be great choices. Some would argrue the .25 too, but that is loopy even at such short ranges. These do give a solid smack too. Anything further then .177 precision is better because it is easier to deliver the precision demanded.

    If you have a rifle that isn't that accurate, most springers, then you are limited to farmyard use. If you do have a super accurate rifle then you can go a good way further. However, range estimation has to be so much better and for the larger calibres; that is .22 1/2m perfect, .25 1/4m perfect. Without a range finder that is beyond most people.
    And then there is the wind to contend with. Why FT and HFT use .177s.

    If I only could have one rifle for all ranges then it would have to be a .177. But I don't have just one rifle
    Last edited by Muskett; 14-02-2023 at 05:18 PM.

  11. #101
    Join Date
    Jun 2008
    NR Doncaster
    It would be .177 for me as well.
    However, I have lots to choose from.
    .25 x1 Springer and x1 PCP
    .22 x2 Springer and x1 PCP
    .177 x2 Springers and x4 PCP's
    No need for me to have .20 at all...or any more guns for that matter ...I'm packing... lol.
    "Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch. Liberty is a well-armed lamb contesting the vote!" -- Benjamin Franklin

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