It is the story of magazines in general. This decline has being going on for decades now.
Most of the information can be had from other media outlets, and at no real cost. Subscriptions to down load magazines is pretty cheap and you can get them all.

When it comes to Shooting Magazines it is a pretty crowded market with a lot of overlapping articles. Read them for a few years and they do get very repetitive. Sure Shooting Sports is a big topic, but do they need quite so many magazines? A good few of the articles are all a bit light weight, and not saying much, nor adding anything that can't be found better on YTube or on a forum such as this.

I hope Airgun World succeeds. It could get a bit bigger and get a bit more detail into its content. I do think it is still important that there is a dedicated Air Rifle Magazine on the shelves if only to catch the eye of those who could be potential new members to the sports.