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Thread: The demise of Airgunner (and Airgun Shooter) magazines

  1. #31
    Join Date
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    Bordon Hants
    I used to buy in the good old days Airgun World, Air Gunner and Sporting Airgun, Guns Review Guns and Ammo and Target gun. Sporting Airgun dropped out by the 1990s and was more into testing etc and was a really good magazine, better than the rest. I preferred Guns Review personally, kept you up to date on law and had very good articles and a good vintage airgun section. Airgun World was the next and Target gun, Guns and Ammo as i was a pistol shooter in the good old days, these magazines covered what i was shooting, in those days i was into all types of shooting.
    I found that the cost started to kill off buying magazines and i found that reviews of airguns were covering the same concept of airguns either a springer or pcp but the gun in question was just a different style, once you seen owned and shot a couple of types of airgun they are no more the same, therefore these airgun magazines became boring, no different from month to month. I only bought an airgun magazine if i were buying a particular airgun that was up for review. When airgun magazines first came out in the Late 1970-80 they were exciting times in airgun development, alway was excited about the next months issue coming out, those magazines killed quite a few airgun myths on the the head in the technical sense gathered over time since the beginning of airgunning.
    Last edited by BC312; 08-05-2023 at 08:36 AM.

  2. #32
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    Quote Originally Posted by rapidresponse1 View Post
    i stopped buying the mags to much advertising not enough to read about our sport,and the price of them now is mad
    totally agree.....I started buying airgun world in 1977 missed the first two issues but the bought for many year but the price gradually went up and became filled with more adds

  3. #33
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    Quote Originally Posted by wickerman View Post
    totally agree.....I started buying airgun world in 1977 missed the first two issues but the bought for many year but the price gradually went up and became filled with more adds
    In trying to be as fair as possible, there is no more advertising now than there was at the outset, looking through the first few AGW @1977 through 1978 and comparing to the last time i bought the mag (2020) fact…
    However, even the adverts back then were exciting. As example, the photo of the rat with the red dot mounted HW35 taking aim for the Singlepoint advert…mind blowing at the time…going straight out and buying the sight…
    What do we get now….Another space gun lookalike, stuck on the end of a tube stock, or another mindless PCP mounted onto a ugly block of wood with a 3 ft hamster keel below it.
    Did we do this to shotguns or Full bore stuff….No, we improved the aesthetic and quality of the wood grain….der…is that not a better idea…
    The lack of rules limiting the style and the shape of the gun, drove the aesthetic to the point that the gun wins the competition but completing impractical to take into the field, and killing the gracefull looks/ pride of ownership..

    The cost…
    Well, running the numbers based on cost back then, versus now, and average pay calculated, its not more expensive…
    Its doomed because its mind blowing boring because they had to follow PC rules with guns that looked like blocks of wood with hamsters and cantilevers…
    Maybe some one should start a line in traditional sporting arms, a new set of rules…and saying cobblers to the PC woke brigade..
    If you dont like it you dont have to buy the mag….dunno…anyone got a better idea..
    Last edited by Dave2345678; 08-05-2023 at 05:24 PM.

  4. #34
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    For me too much advertising, an unhealthy obsession with PCPs, coupled with dubious recommendations on rifles I wouldn’t look twice at. I haven’t bought one for years as the last time I did it was a complete waste of money.
    Although it’s an also somewhat niche sport I wonder if anyone on here has read the fly fishing quarterly ‘Fly Culture’ produced independently by Pete Tyjas and co? The articles are more about the experience rather than which tackle is best, the photography is great and it’s manufactured from quality materials. If there was something like that perhaps with a focus on springers and classic PCPs then that may tempt me to part with my cash.

  5. #35
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    Maybe it was the FT sport that doomed it…
    I got to hearing the chincs starting to filter through the last time i went to such a shoot, but would never return…

    Private FT shoots for guys practicing with their HW97 for vermin shooting…such as the vermin hunters.
    50 yd FT targets still routinely fall which must be respected, but not a hamster keel or cantilever support in sight…
    Why….because you cannot realistically take such a tool into the field as a practical hunting arm……you have to learn to shoot..
    So FT should have had limits attached to prevent monster cantilever advantages, or benches strapped to the bottom of the stock…..scopes 4 ft long….its madness and totally unfair on the kid turning up with his HW50….

    Clay shooting has limitations, to mirror the actual infield senario. Even target pistol has strict rules for the gun…
    Its not sport…its a joke and ruining the sport….
    The chincs i spoke of were comments of ridicule quietly chatted about by certain onlookers….and many getting disillusioned…
    It isnt sport and the mags and writers backing such, along with over PC correctness as assigned the future of the mags to dusty bin….
    So we flit past such articles to read the one we might find which has some semblance of how it use to be, but its not enough to warrant purchase….the rest is history..
    Last edited by Dave2345678; 08-05-2023 at 07:42 PM.

  6. #36
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    No..FT isn't for a 12yr old with a HW50.
    At least buy them a S200 or 400 ..then it is lol.
    All the extras on FT guns have a purpose that have
    sort of evolved over the years and are the airgun equivalent
    of F1.
    No, not practical for hunting..that is why FT guys have other guns in my case, Kalibrgun Cricket, TX200's and Prosports with small Bushnells etc on them.
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  7. #37
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dave2345678 View Post
    So FT should have had limits attached to prevent monster cantilever advantages, or benches strapped to the bottom of the stock…..scopes 4 ft long….its madness and totally unfair on the kid turning up with his HW50….
    That’s why HFT came about.
    Although to be fair the top shooters are using non adjustable FT rifles with low power scopes in HFT these days.
    You can still have a good time with an S400, I compete in HFT with an HW97, the recoiling class tends to keep it real.


  8. #38
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    For not much outlay you can subscribe to all the magazines on line. Which is how the young generation consume magazine articles.

    Shooting Sports are great fun. Loads for air rifle use. Loads of people would love to go shooting, but where? And for younger people it's not only where but with supervision. For young people it is the cost too, not only the equipment, the pellets, but range time.
    The list of barriers to get into the sports are long. It is in all our interests to shorten them.

    All I can say is that every shooter should see what they can do to help new people into the sports. In any small or large way they can. Be inviting.

  9. #39
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    I wasn't aware of the demise of these two magazines and, for me, I think it's sad news.

    Hopefully the writers that wish to carry on writing can be accommodated into the sister Airgun World magazine (in the case of Airgunner) to join my favourite writers.

    I hope Airgun World continues in magazine format for a very long time. It's the original and we owe much to this magazine in terms of advancement of airgunning Worldwide. I much prefer mine to come in paper copy - more tactile and I agree with the earlier post that the magazine on the shelf might help attract newcomers.
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  10. #40
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    Quote Originally Posted by harvey_s View Post
    One of my favourites - Practical Sportsbikes went last month too... Sad times.
    Yep, I was gutted to see that go too. The only mag I had a subscription to.
    I really hope AGW doesn't go too, although it was always Aigunner that I used to buy as a teenager, drooling over the ads and hanging on John Darling's every word in his articles.
    I know it's the way of things, but it's really sad to see and even worse for those losing jobs due to it.
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  11. #41
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    Very very sad news. I missed the first announcement and just found it. As mentioned, I hope Mr Atkins finds another outlet for his knowledge ... if not then I will surely miss him. I have cut out and filed many of his previous articles and find them very valuable. Then there are the 'strip' articles that I am sure are very valuable to the DIYers amongst us.
    Very sad news.
    Hopefully some of the AG team could be incorporated into AGW?
    Is it 'Thanks for the memories' time?
    Cheers, Phil

  12. #42
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    Hellequin is offline I used to be indecisive.....
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    Quote Originally Posted by ptdunk View Post
    That’s why HFT came about.
    Although to be fair the top shooters are using non adjustable FT rifles with low power scopes in HFT these days.
    You can still have a good time with an S400, I compete in HFT with an HW97, the recoiling class tends to keep it real.

    It's good to see some folk are keeping things simple in HFT, Matt. I've never done it so not my place to criticise, but I look at some of the rifles that some shooters are using and think "surely no-one would use that for hunting?"
    I get that things move on & progress but I thought HFT was the discipline that gave a pretty level playing field, kit wise.

    Anyway, apologies to the OP for the thread digression. I still hope AGW can keep going, which includes covering news about HFT!
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  13. #43
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    Well, I guess it is official now: AirGunner will cease and AGW will continue.

    I just had an email from Field Sports Press telling me that any AG magazine subscription editions due to me will transfer to AGW unless I want a refund. As I take AGW I am quite happy to let the AG copies due to me just add on to the AGW subscription so have no need to do anything.

    E mail content:
    Dear Subscriber

    I’m writing to let you know that Air Gunner magazine will cease publication with the July/Summer 2023 issue.

    However, we are pleased to inform you that we have arranged to transfer your subscription to Airgun World magazine, also published by Fieldsports Press. For each issue of Air Gunner that you were due to receive, you will instead receive an issue of Airgun World. If you are already an Airgun World subscriber, Fieldsports Press is happy to extend your subscription by the appropriate number of copies.

    If you are a member of the British Airgun Shooters Association, your membership will remain unaffected.

    Launched in 1977, Airgun World is considered by many to be ‘The Bible’ as far as airgun magazines are concerned. It has a long-standing history of being the first magazine to review many of the newest airguns to market. Edited by Dave Barham and published 13 times a year, Airgun World includes all the latest launches/innovations, technical knowhow, hunting, FT and HFT competition shooting plus the science behind the sport, and is aimed at all those who love the sport of airgun shooting.

    What do you need to do?

    If you’re happy to receive Airgun World, then you don’t need to do anything at all. Your first issue will be the August 2023 issue published on 26/07/2023.

    If you don’t want your subscription transferred, please contact our dedicated customer service team by 19/05/2023 on 01371 851890 or email who will action a refund for the remaining liability of your subscription. If we do not hear from you, we will assume you are happy with the above arrangements and your subscription will be transferred.

    Thank you for subscribing to Air Gunner – we really appreciate your support.

    Yours sincerely

    All very sad but I guess economics rules the world.
    Cheers, Phil

  14. #44
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    Controversial take here but could it be the mags folded because they were largely rubbish?

    I didn’t buy many, so feel free to shoot me down, but when I did buy them they always had the same articles. A review or two of some umarex offering (let’s be honest the pistols are all the same and so were the reviews). Some bloke in camo wittering on about how he shot a rabbit, even less interesting than listening to your mate describe a night out you weren’t on. More reviews all of which say whatever is being reviewed is good and none of which were as informative as what you can find on YouTube in two minutes. Maybe a letter or two from Walter Mitty. And possibly one interesting article that’s not worth £3:99 or whatever they went up to.

    Tbh far from the ads being a problem the ads were often the best bit.
    Morally flawed

  15. #45
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    Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, as they say. So for what it's worth, I enjoy(ed) the magazines and had subscriptions to all three. I found the technical articles very informative ... and long may they last in AGW ... and the Mr Atkins contributions to AG were excellent and the perfect companion to coffee and biscuits. Reviews? Well I enjoyed them as well whether they were of cheap rifles, pistols or the so called super-guns. AG was, to me, a mag more for the hunter and while I do not hunt I found the content interesting even if it became a little repetitive at times ... but hey, the magazines are generally easy, relaxing reading.
    You cannot avoid repetition in a monthly magazine where newcomers could be taking the magazine for the first time and just starting out in shooting. And, of course, if you don't like the content and know everything, don't buy it. I suspect the demise of AG is largely to do with economics of the production process in these inflationary times. Let's hope that previous AG readers will switch to AGW and ensure its long lasting success.
    Cheers, Phil

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