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Thread: The demise of Airgunner (and Airgun Shooter) magazines

  1. #61
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    Quote Originally Posted by ccdjg View Post
    Having now read the very last Airgunner magazine, I cannot believe that the editor, Mat Manning, in his farewell message makes no mention of John Atkins and his unprecedented near 40 year continuous (bar two or three issues) contribution to the magazine. Others on the payroll are given a grateful mention, people who have not been associated with the magazine anywhere near as long as John.

    I suppose it is a sign of the times - financial expediency over loyalty every time. Articles about collectables do not invite advertisers to the magazine, so they are regarded by the powers-that-be as of secondary importance.

    At the very least John should have been presented with a gift in appreciation of his long service, and perhaps also a feature article dedicated to his life story and collecting interests (which are fascinatingly many and varied).
    Shame on him. What an absolute disgrace.
    Vintage Airguns Gallery
    ..Above link posted with permission from Gareth W-B
    In British slang an anorak is a person who has a very strong interest in niche subjects.

  2. #62
    harvey_s's Avatar
    harvey_s is offline Lost love child of David Niven and Victoria Beckham
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    Quote Originally Posted by ccdjg View Post
    Having now read the very last Airgunner magazine, I cannot believe that the editor, Mat Manning, in his farewell message makes no mention of John Atkins and his unprecedented near 40 year continuous (bar two or three issues) contribution to the magazine. Others on the payroll are given a grateful mention, people who have not been associated with the magazine anywhere near as long as John.

    I suppose it is a sign of the times - financial expediency over loyalty every time. Articles about collectables do not invite advertisers to the magazine, so they are regarded by the powers-that-be as of secondary importance.

    At the very least John should have been presented with a gift in appreciation of his long service, and perhaps also a feature article dedicated to his life story and collecting interests (which are fascinatingly many and varied).
    I'm guessing because he wasn't an employee and will possibly continue to contribute to AGW in the future?

  3. #63
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    Quote Originally Posted by Garvin View Post
    Shame on him. What an absolute disgrace.
    The “Airgun Collection” feature in the final issue of Air Gunner is typical of the extremely high standards John Atkins has always set himself with his specialist input far exceeding some other contributors in different areas of the coverage.
    At the very least he should have been given the opportunity to bid a proper farewell to his many readers in the final issue who have greatly appreciated his articles over many years.
    Although we don’t know all the circumstances surrounding the closure of the magazine that should not have have given rise to it’s demise in such a sudden and unsympathetic manner.


  4. #64
    ccdjg is offline Airgun Alchemist, Collector and Scribe
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    Quote Originally Posted by harvey_s View Post
    I'm guessing because he wasn't an employee and will possibly continue to contribute to AGW in the future?
    Well I would say he was as close to being an employee as one could be without actually being on the payroll. I believe that when the magazine closed down, he was the only one who had been associated with the magazine right from the beginning (and that includes the owners).
    He has also not been invited to contribute to the new 'expanded' Airgunner.

  5. #65
    micky2 is offline The collector formerly known as micky
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    Quote Originally Posted by ccdjg View Post
    Having now read the very last Airgunner magazine, I cannot believe that the editor, Mat Manning, in his farewell message makes no mention of John Atkins and his unprecedented near 40 year continuous (bar two or three issues) contribution to the magazine. Others on the payroll are given a grateful mention, people who have not been associated with the magazine anywhere near as long as John.

    I suppose it is a sign of the times - financial expediency over loyalty every time. Articles about collectables do not invite advertisers to the magazine, so they are regarded by the powers-that-be as of secondary importance.

    At the very least John should have been presented with a gift in appreciation of his long service, and perhaps also a feature article dedicated to his life story and collecting interests (which are fascinatingly many and varied).
    I completely agree with the above comments. it is not the way to treat someone who has given such excellent service for almost 40 years. but it seams to be the way of the world today. the new owners should be ashamed themselves. they have lost my subscription.

  6. #66
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    I thought I would comment on the posts above that talk about there being no specific tribute being paid to John Atkins in the 'farewell note' by Matt Manning in his 'Welcome from the Editor' piece. While it is correct that Matt has not given a special 'thank you' to John neither has he given special mention by name to other contributors. Those mentioned by name are production staff although the Barhams are also / were also key contributors. John could thus be seen to be included in the '...big thank you to all the great contributors, past and present, who have made Air Gunner such a brilliant read...'.
    Yes, it would have been good to have a 'special mention to John' and he certainly deserves a place in the Air Gunner hall of fame but I can appreciate that with limited space available it was not possible to work through all contributors personally.
    Speaking personally, John's articles were the ones I most looked forward to when a new edition of AG was delivered, although I tended to save reading them until last. From what has been said above, John will not be contributing to the new style AGW. That is very sad and I regard it as the end of an era. There are other writers who cover 'Collectables' so let's hope that historical coverage is maintained.
    But to conclude: Thank you John for all your fascinating articles over the years. I have thoroughly enjoyed reading them over many many cups of coffee and wish you well in whatever venture you now turn to.

    Cheers, Phil

  7. #67
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    Quote Originally Posted by Phil Russell View Post
    I thought I would comment on the posts above that talk about there being no specific tribute being paid to John Atkins in the 'farewell note' by Matt Manning in his 'Welcome from the Editor' piece. While it is correct that Matt has not given a special 'thank you' to John neither has he given special mention by name to other contributors. Those mentioned by name are production staff although the Barhams are also / were also key contributors. John could thus be seen to be included in the '...big thank you to all the great contributors, past and present, who have made Air Gunner such a brilliant read...'.
    Yes, it would have been good to have a 'special mention to John' and he certainly deserves a place in the Air Gunner hall of fame but I can appreciate that with limited space available it was not possible to work through all contributors personally.
    Speaking personally, John's articles were the ones I most looked forward to when a new edition of AG was delivered, although I tended to save reading them until last. From what has been said above, John will not be contributing to the new style AGW. That is very sad and I regard it as the end of an era. There are other writers who cover 'Collectables' so let's hope that historical coverage is maintained.
    But to conclude: Thank you John for all your fascinating articles over the years. I have thoroughly enjoyed reading them over many many cups of coffee and wish you well in whatever venture you now turn to.

    Cheers, Phil
    Phil it's true that Mr Manning did give a blanket thank you in his brief editorial, but there didn't have to be limited space and Mr Atkins' contribution stands head and shoulders above anyone else's on Air Gunner since it started in the early '80s for its virtuoso quality, longevity for decades and decades and sheer consistency.

    He was no ordinary contributor who comes and goes after a few, or several, years, he was a monthly phenomenon, supplying his own photo's, designing the pages and single-handedly carrying a loyal readership for more years than many other readers have been alive.

    Anyway, I join you in toasting the end of an era and the end of this lengthy phase of the Godfather of Vintage Airguns' publishing career!
    Vintage Airguns Gallery
    ..Above link posted with permission from Gareth W-B
    In British slang an anorak is a person who has a very strong interest in niche subjects.

  8. #68
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    Quote Originally Posted by Garvin View Post
    Phil it's true that Mr Manning did give a blanket thank you in his brief editorial, but there didn't have to be limited space and Mr Atkins' contribution stands head and shoulders above anyone else's on Air Gunner since it started in the early '80s for its virtuoso quality, longevity for decades and decades and sheer consistency.

    He was no ordinary contributor who comes and goes after a few, or several, years, he was a monthly phenomenon, supplying his own photo's, designing the pages and single-handedly carrying a loyal readership for more years than many other readers have been alive.

    Anyway, I join you in toasting the end of an era and the end of this lengthy phase of the Godfather of Vintage Airguns' publishing career!

    I agree. It would have been the decent thing to do, a common courtesy in fact, to thank John by name, and to have highlighted his contribution to the magazine. I cannot think that the other contributors would have felt in any way slighted by not having been mentioned in dispatches themselves.

  9. #69
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    Hi Garvin and slug-gun. I heartily agree with you both. A special, personal 'thank you' would have been nice but it was not to be, for whatever reason. Maybe it will feature in an edition of the 'new' magazine.
    I have not read all the expanded AG yet so cannot say if any contributors not appearing again in the new AGW were able to say 'cheerio'. I assume that when their articles went to press they knew nothing of the impending closure/amalgamation.
    Maybe the first edition of the new AGW will carry more 'thanks'.
    Cheers, Phil

  10. #70
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    AirGun Shooter: just had official notification that AGS is no more. Outstanding subscription monies will be refunded.
    Also, apparently a special deal with FieldSports Press if AGS subscribers take out a new subscription to AGW.

    Last edition will be i74.

    Cheers, Phil

  11. #71
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    Neither magazine has made money on the cover price due to a relatively small circulation. They rely on revenue from adverts. Matt Manning I am willing to bet has probably never read an article by John Atkins. It is difficult to raise advertising revenue from air rifles and pistols that unfortunately are no longer in production. The quality and professionalism of John's writing stood out like a beacon and deserved a specific mention. After all there are many that bought their copy to read it and the remainder of the comic was a side issue but still benefited the publishers.

  12. #72
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    Quote Originally Posted by greenwayjames View Post
    Neither magazine has made money on the cover price due to a relatively small circulation. They rely on revenue from adverts.
    Too true. A bit ironic then that so many posts on here and other fora complained that there were too many adverts.
    Such is life. Let's hope the new AGW keeps going ....
    Cheers, Phil

  13. #73
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    Quote Originally Posted by Phil Russell View Post
    Too true. A bit ironic then that so many posts on here and other fora complained that there were too many adverts.
    Such is life. Let's hope the new AGW keeps going ....
    Cheers, Phil
    I never really had a problem with the adverts, magazines have always had them regardless of the hobby, with some photography mags staggering bad in this respect, but if they keep a good magazine going, I would always be happy to choose to ignore them. No, for me the issue was the magazine had become mind numbingly boring with the constant edge toward FT and the over mindful consideration to the anti gun brigade when narrating the stories compared to the past ....hells teeth I'd nodded off a quarter of the way through

  14. #74
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    Quote Originally Posted by harvey_s View Post
    I'm guessing because he wasn't an employee and will possibly continue to contribute to AGW in the future?
    Probably more to do with him not being a Daystate, or AA shill. Articles about classic air arms don't sell new guns & all that matters is keeping the advertising overlords happy. Both AG & AGW have been pandering to Daystate, AA & other manufacturers to a ridiculous degree for years, to the point where reviews are worthless.

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