I picked up a pistol in a leatherette case with all the accessories at the Melbourne Airgun Fayre for £125 IIRC. It is a but rough around the edges, but I have had it to pieces as it was slathered with oil and it kept leaking out. Polished what I could in the trigger mechanism which improved it slightly, but my longer term plan is to replace the twin springs with a single cut down one from a HW30, make a Delrin sleeve for the spring guide, possibly with a steel top hat, and sleeve the transfer port to 3mm diameter.
This has all been done to the LP53 by a UK guy called 'Steveoo' on the US site - 'Airgun Nation' see https://www.airgunnation.com/threads...r-lp53.839926/
But also further back in time on here as 'clarky' see https://www.airgunbbs.com/showthread...highlight=lp53
Too many guns, or not enough time?