Uhu. The shroud (again). Had to turn a rear bung for it as well. What´s more.. on 23mm diameter the effects of it is to question to say the least, and as such i REALLY would have liked to see 28mm.
Only way to handle that though would be via an offset setup.. and them simply look ugly when done. Thus i´m stuck with that puny shroud there as the proximity vs the tank/tube is simply to small all said to go any larger.

Probe though is a rather smart spring loaded setup. However with a set depth completely out of whack so.. yep. You guessed it, had to make a fresh probe end for the thing too. In turn, as it turned out, i had to increase diameter of it slightly to keep it sealing as power went up.. at that.

So. All these negatives out of the way (and there´s more, trust me) how does it shoot?

Enter the ugly duckling i´d say cause that 550mm long 22 barrel will... shoot, and shoot very very well at that. I´ve had it adjusted beyond 100J and then some but have since backed off a tad spitting 36 grain slugs out the nozzle going approx 920-930fps. Ample and then some for my use!

What i´m at currently is getting rid of that god awful clear coat paint job. I abslutely LOATHE clear coated wooden stocks so..


No. It lacks plenum volume to support any appreciable amounts of power so reused one i had made for my Reximex Zone and... HELLO!

Yeah. This thing smacks the rats you won´t believe and this with surgery accuracy. AMAZING accuracy even
Now WHERE the *ell did that come from?!?

Yeeeez... yeeeez.. of course i went at it on the hammer setup as well.

So. In summary.
This Aselkon has craved a HEAP of work to clean up and work as intended, even the Pic rail was off for the love of gawd, but that invested this is now actually a rather hard hitting and well performing piece of kit.
Let´s be honest.. it really is.

Yes. I´m scraping the clear coat off of there bit by bit using razor blades... and will keep doing so until clean from that garbage. Then it might very well be i redesign the stock a tad in an effort to save a bit of weight, cause a light weight she´s by any measure NOT.
Took the bare stock to the scale and it told 1100 grams so.. Going to look into that.

Would i recommend this Aselkon to someone else out there?
HEEEELL no! There´s WAY better rifles to be had for the same money. Me putting the effort into this one to turn it around, has it been worth it? Depends on how you regard it i´d say, cause from an economics point of view.. not even CLOSE. However from a practical view i ended up with a REALLY accurate PCP at coffee n change in relative terms.

Would i do another?
As i feel about it right now, no. No i would not.
Should yet an Aselkon drop into my knee i´d set it aside to work on when i felt the urge.
That aside, again no.