
Managed to get a brief plink in yesterday. Very brief but very enjoyable.

Firstly I grabbed the Brocock Independent that I got from Pete last year in a swap with the Merc S. Remember that groaning noise when cocking, Pete? Well, a few months ago I dropped a couple of drops of moly oil into the TP, worked it in a little and left it. Wasn't intending on shooting or leaving it like that, thinking if the noise had gone to strip and lube properly. However, I had about twenty shots yesterday. No noise and just the tiniest hint of a diesel smell, no detonation, so might leave it like this. Obviously, thinking back to last year, it was after a few shots and in warmer temps, but this might have done the trick.....

This rifle also likes the Excite Hammers, grouping very nicely. Firing cycle lovely (ram still fitted).

Then I had my first few shots with that recently bought Wasp Enzo catty and the 8mm steel balls provided with the packaged kit. Was getting quite good accuracy with reference point established. Must sort a better catch box arrangement. With these lighter bands in this kit, it's very, very easy to shoot and very smooth. However, I think I might go slightly heavier bands next time so I can go bigger on the ammo to get better "pouch grip", as the 8mm steels I was using yesterday with the very small pouch was a bit fiddly....

Loved my little sesh, though; it had been a long time coming.