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Thread: Aselkon MX-9 in 22cal

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2022

    Aselkon MX-9 in 22cal

    So as you lift them out of the plastic hardcase they really are garbage.
    They REALLY are.

    So. Right off the bat, the hardpart pieces of this are deadringers for the MX-10 i just did. As such in other words, knew very well what i was up against and see.. after some hardcore work to that MX-10 it now IS "all it can be" and hits both hard and very very accurate using 36 or 40 grain hollow point slugs.

    Not so much as is.
    Be aware that the legal limit to stay exempt (i keep permits) is 10J/7,4fpe. However measured at 4 meters.. Why i guess.. we´re talking REAL close to the UK 12 tbh. Anyways.
    In contrast to in Britain, put the thing across the FX brick as was using 18 grainers.. told 30j.
    Guess the turks didn´t really care all that much for country limits.. Nope. Thing as stock as they come.
    Completely besides the point to me.. so eff it.

    Just as on the MX-10 the shroud is all show n no go. Made that work in i jiffy.. a FX style diffusor up front and done deal. That coupled with a suppressor of mine worth its name.. you do the math.
    That being said, DAAAUUUYM them loud sans shroud n suppressor even at 30 Joules!
    Nah. Not on my watch.


    Right. Reg of course not "bolted together". So ripped that apart and polished the living daylights out of all contact points using 1200 grit n oil. Then... this absolutely MASSIVE poppet!

    ..why i thought to myself it might be an idea to check what, if n when by just handing that thing first up a lesser top hat and in turn a PEEK seal. So i did.
    Transfers were opened up to 5.5mm...

    Yeah. Hm. I´ll make this work, rest assured. Anyway. I raised reg to 200 bar even (250 fill). Had replaced the HS with a sturdier one (still a single though) and gone through all "the little things", why i let it rip using 25.4´s.
    75J/ 55fpe. That was it though, and as we´ve learned through the MX-10... two things. Pure PEEK poppet seal on a 2mm spindle/shank AND a decent sized plenum. Right?

    Then. The MX-9. Someone at Aselkon has GOT to have the hands of Godzilla! Cause the reach for the trigger is nothing short of insane. Now. The trigger "pin" is plain just threaded into the rocker on the trigger group (M3) so what i did was drill and tap a hole 90deg to that and then fab a trigger pin of my own.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2022

    Yeah! And then some! Difference is dramatic to say the least. On the trigger assy..same deal as the MX-10. For some reason it lacks adjustment which is as simple to implement that you drill and tap a M3 hole on the sear and that´s it. Then again, the one shaping that trigger guard? Was that specific turk on drugs?!? HELLO!
    That said.
    Goes from "a joke" to about "match quality" in one move. Aselkon.. what can i say?
    So yeah. Now i could actually use the thing.

    Uhu. The probe on these things are spring loaded. All good and a smart move, however as it turns out the probe BODY will actually obscure the barrel transfer port, and that to the amount of like 40% total or so!

    For now.. i just tossed that thing on the lathe and done deal. HOWEVER.. i experienced a puff of air to my head through the mag as i shot the thing. Taking the micrometer to the probe it showed a mere 5.5mm.
    So brazed some material to that there and turned unison on the lathe for a cool 5,75mm... way better but still not kosher. So believe i´ll do as i did on the MX-10 and cut the front end of that probe off and replace with a thicker one... threaded M4 and take it from there. In turn sporting a 1.5mm probe end...

    Ah! The solution to all ills!
    Nah. But at first i took the calipers to the stock setup hoping i could get away with just putting a "spacer" on the plenum and done deal. No dice. That´d render like maybe 20cc´s more before running into dead stop at the suppressor.
    So eff it. Time for a stand alone plenum in short, cause by now we KNOW these puffs will perform just handed the hardware. Indeed...

    Then.. this.
    You´ve seen me pull this stunt a No of time by now, and the reason why is that it works so well it´s to laugh at. Yep. First up an all PEEK seal and in turn a 2mm spindle. Mind you... the capacity added does NOT have to be forward higher power. It can JUST as well be used to cut down on cocking effort wish be.

    Yeah. So right now.. at a stand still. Want to hand the Loctite involved ample time to cure and what not. Entry point on the stock "plenum" i drilled and tapped for 1/2"-28UNEF.

    That MX-10.. sorts of stonewalled already at 65J before them trix thrown at it.
    This one made 75, i guess mainly due the EVER so slightly larger volume between the reg and the valve. Where this´ll end up we´ll see tomorrow..
    Last edited by Racing; 17-03-2024 at 01:00 AM.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2022
    Yeah, then for this one.

    Nope. Not quite "there" yet, but well underways.

    As it isn´t quite there yet i´ll keep this way more brief than on the MX-10 bullpup.

    As you can see loads has happened. Down to cutting a fresh cheek piece for it, the stock thing simply didn´t cater to any cheek weld what so ever... Got spare old walnut laying around, and that coupled with a pair of 8mm stainless rods made for the setup.
    In turn a couple of sorts of heli coil inserts into the wood and done deal.

    One of the "issues" here is that the MX-9 turns into a REALLY long piece of kit with a moderator of use installed. Have debated myself about to death on this, but it is what it is. I guess i could always try for a "reflex" version (on that goes over the shroud a bits way down the barrel) but to what use really as it all came to pan out.

    Cause in contrast to the 10 version this one sports a bottle right which lent that i got away with cutting the stock shroud off like 3/4 down it and then a scarf joint for a 28mm tube running up vs the moderator. This sure made for a difference and albeit power wise on par with the 10 this unit is no doubt the more quiet in operation. Although.. not exactly by a landslide.

    Due the bottle the reg rests a little different vs the 10. However... just take a gander at that there. Uhu. Not enough relief, and of course the reg is let to move around. *shakes head*
    Aselkon. I rest my case.
    This i´ve of course come to remedy since and indeed as this unit has seen the same job on the reg pulled off as on the 10.. reliable as far as that.

    If you take a look at the stock the thing has really been recut beyond sanity. All in an effort to shave weight, and as such has been drilled out from the butt plate end as well as the pistol grip as well. In this manner.. uhu. The OEM stock is no light weight, i´ll tell you that much.

    Just as the 10 though this thing performs at its best using heavier offering pills. It does rather repeatable, while this unit still needs its sear recut as far as shutter angle.

    As noted, there´s still a few small jobs to pull on it before just letting it be... to rip all it can. Ditto for a 50mm can... so one of those coming up too.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2022
    About forgot, here´s a usable tip of the day for those of you out there with a MX-9.

    Whoever designed this piece must have had the hands of bigfoot cause the reach from the pistol grip to the trigger blade is a stretch no doubt.
    It is however REAL simple to remedy.

    Get yourself a 3mm piece of steel rod and thread the one end M3. Get the "rocker" out of the trigger group, incl the stock trigger blade pin. This is threaded in place. Unbolt that piece and trash it.
    Now bend your new trigger blade pin to hearts desire.

    Drill a hole 90deg to the stock one on the rocker piece and thread this M3. Thread your new pin on there.. set using red Loctite.

    Reach will now be WAY more within realms as you grip the gun. WAY more pleasant to work with.

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