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Thread: HW45 cylinder and cocking arms issue. Help please?!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2014

    HW45 cylinder and cocking arms issue. Help please?!

    Hi all.

    Just scanning through about to post and realised that its 10 years since i last posted about my Weihruach HW45 and i still never got it sorted! What was that John Lennon said about life & other plans?

    Anyway, I decided to have another look the other day and went online to buy a few bits. Needed a front cylinder bolt, piston seal, breech seal and safety rod. All fitted and re-assembled (holding off on the Tinbum guide kit for now).

    The pistol cocked and fired fine for a few shots and then I heard a worrying loud twang half way through the cocking cycle. One of the cocking arms had managed to pull out of the cylinder and the whole thing jammed up. Stripped again and put it all back as it should be. Next time, both cocking arms left the cylinder while cocking. I knew the cocking slots were worn as they needed significant dressing for burrs when i initially stripped it. Now not sure if its just the cocking arms that need replacing (£), the whole cylinder (££) or both (£££)! Tbh I'm beginning to think that its just not worth the bother and expense trying to salvage it...a shame as its an early model without all the idiot-proof warnings all over it.

    What do you think guys?

    Thanks, P

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2024
    I'd go watch a strip & rebuild vid on youtube, such as Tinbums one, just to be really certain you haven't re-assembled it incorrectly. Esp if it's been apart for ages and it wasn't doing this before


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    The claws on the cocking arms can wear and that will allow them to pop out, I had one with the same problem.
    If you've determined you do want to fix it, maybe try new cocking arms first - I imagine they're cheaper than a cylinder.
    Moly grease is your friend when it comes to preventing wear on these parts.

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