Quote Originally Posted by Hsing-ee View Post
It actually does a pretty good job on this Nick!

The job it does agrees with the consensus in 1977. So it’s mostly only 50 years out of date.

[/B]Which is the best airgun calibre .177 or .22? [/B]

The best airgun caliber, .177 or .22, depends on your intended use. Here are some considerations for each caliber:

.177 Caliber

Higher Velocity: .177 pellets generally have a higher velocity, which is beneficial for target shooting and competition.
Flatter Trajectory: The higher velocity results in a flatter trajectory, making it easier to hit targets at varying distances with minimal adjustment.
Cost-Effective: .177 pellets are typically less expensive and more widely available.
Regulatory Compliance: Many shooting sports and competitions specify .177 caliber.
Best For: Target shooting, competition shooting, and small pest control.

.22 Caliber

Higher Impact Energy: .22 pellets are heavier and deliver more impact energy, making them more effective for hunting and pest control.
Better Wind Resistance: The heavier weight of .22 pellets makes them less susceptible to wind drift, improving accuracy in outdoor conditions.
Larger Wound Channel: The larger size and greater energy transfer create a more significant impact on the target, which is crucial for humane hunting.
Best For: Hunting, pest control, and situations where higher impact energy is necessary.

Choose .177 if your primary focus is target shooting, competition, or you want a caliber that is cost-effective and widely accepted in shooting sports.
Choose .22 if you need a caliber with more stopping power for hunting and pest control, or if you frequently shoot in windy conditions.
Ultimately, the choice between .177 and .22 calibers should be based on your specific needs and shooting goals.

ChatGPT can make mistakes. Check important info.

It says nothing about sexual orientation or gender issues however. Or the REAL nub if the matter; fat finger syndrome.

That is spookily accrate!