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Thread: Is This A Good Idea or Not

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2006

    Is This A Good Idea or Not

    Hi All, I have just read an entry by Haakon, here it is,

    " Sorry to dig this one up again.

    I'd just like to point out that the shop in question is Gallyons Country Store in Norwich.

    The reason I have to go there is that my wife bought a jacket there at Christmas - it was too small for me - they wouldnt refund her when she took it back to get a bigger one (which they didnt have) - so she has now got a credit note.

    They never do refunds apparently. They are obviously within their rights in this case - but its not exactly customer service orientated is it? (does fit for purpose include size?)

    So now we have a large credit note to spend in a shop where everything is astronomically expensive. "

    Now then I don't know him or I have never spoken to him but it's really sad when an customer gets short changed, as he was prepared to spend his hard earned there, so would it be a good idea to have a section of the website where you could congratulate quality gun shops and dealers but also in the same section we could publicly name and shame the ones who don't care.

    This website is the equevilant to the big FFF Fly Fishing Forums
    in terms of sports, it has over 4130 members, and you can bet your life on it, if dealer does the dirty on one of them, all of the members get to read about, so would it be a good idea to have a well done section for quality dealers and a name and shame section for gun dealers who don't give a monkeys, it's just an idea, as sometimes we forget how powerful the internet is, and it may just warm newbies like myself to stay away from companies or dealers who don't care. ATB. Reeco
    A Nation That Forgets Its Past Has No Future. Sir Winston Churchill
    Have A Nice Day
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  2. #2
    Northernspark Guest
    So they are automatically a bad company because they gave your missus a credit note?

    What other bad service have you received from them?

    If they are 'astronomically' expensive, why shop there in the first place?


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    Its not a bad idea but one person's opinion on a shop maybe complely different to another.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    A sleepy village Nr Skipton, a bit like Royston Va
    At the top of the page is an announcement from our benefactor (bows very low and tugs forelock) Ed of JSR, who requests us to provide ideas for the new improved forum. Drop him a line mate, but JSR always provides excellent service and items at very competative prices

    Do I get my fiver now or later Ed?
    AA 410k, 3-9X50
    FN19 Hawke, 6-18x44
    AA S200, 6-24X50
    S10, 8-32X50

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    Rashum, I totally agree with you regarding Ed from Ramsbottoms, and he was kind enough to ring me back twice. I am going to buy my set up from him because he was slightly cheaper tham Uttings but I also had a better scope, and also he does sponsor and soupport the site, and I think you should always look after the people who look after you.

    If I ever need anything air gun related, Ed at Rambottoms will be my first point of contact.

    Steve it wasn't my missus Fella, and I don't agree with anyone spending their hard earned, to go back to the shop only to be given a credit note, it's out of order, why did he buy there I have no idea, maybe it's because it's the nearest gun shop to him for miles. ATB. Reeco
    A Nation That Forgets Its Past Has No Future. Sir Winston Churchill
    Have A Nice Day
    Member of

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    How do you know if they 'never give refunds'? If they have a notice up in the shop to that effect, then they are almost certainly committing a criminal offence, just by having the notice on display.

    If the jacket was just bought on spec, then you are lucky to get a credit note.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    We are fortunate in that some of the major players in the airgun field are directly represented by posting on here.

    There are reports of percieved bad service regularly on here, and they are usually sorted out between the parties concerned. Where a satisfactory result is not obtained, we are all aware of it, and can make better informed choices when spending our cash.

    This does not need its own section, as it is dealt with in the existing sections.

    A quick "Anyone dealt with *********" question in either main section usually brings in a variety of responses.

    "Improvise, adapt and overcome."

    I can count to potato.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    South East Northumberland
    A smear campaign off the back of a credit note?

    I'm thinking "no", personally...

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    You'll be opening up a whole legal can of worms for the websites owner.

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