Quote Originally Posted by Jerry Cornelius View Post
I seem to remember a review at the time that said yes they were bombproof, but those Chris Reeve knives were not actually very good to use for any length of time

I guess 98% of them are drawer queens so it wouldn’t matter
I have a Project II, and used it for 7 years before retiring it. It did everything it was asked of it. Combat/Survival knives get carried a lot and used occasionally. They aren't that great to use as they are designed to do too much, so not that great at anything other than do everything badly.

Everything about knives has changed these past 30 years. How they are made, the materials, the heat treatment, but most of all how they are used. Many modern usage would be considered using the wrong tool, or just out right abuse, a few years back.
Interestingly, there has been a bit of a reappraisal of what is expected from a good knife. Rather than one to rule them all, just have a few and more specialised.
I'm a Skrama fan.