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Thread: Is it just me (tumbleweed) or is it quiet on here....

  1. #16
    Join Date
    May 2008
    Wingham, 5 miles NW of Baz
    Quote Originally Posted by hwvixen View Post
    You must be right Danny (nothing shifting).....over on the sales section Old Bull has an Arnie 335 IN .177 for £120 posted...& noooo takers (yet)

    The worlds gon mad I tell ya.....
    No rear site Must knock 30 quid off...
    Opportunity is missed by most people, because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work.

  2. #17
    Join Date
    Sep 2002
    Bexhill-on-sea East Sussex
    Yes very quite i asked what a 177 mercury chalenger in very good condition was worth the other day i had one reply but no price given, i thought about £150 maybe £200 with the right jap tasco scope, no one intrested so iam am going to keep it now.

  3. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by hwvixen View Post
    Hi Mick,

    How's it hangin... would I be right in thinking its the B/ham fair tomorrow.....?

    I knew Gareth wouldn't be laying around collecting dust....

    Hi Chris

    I've got no idea about the Brum fair

    I'm working today as I have a 16 ton tracked machine booked in for an M.O.T.

    Mind you if I get time later I may go and do a spot of vintage match ploughing practice.

    Keep it to yourself mind, I don't want everyone on the BBS knowing I'm a sad git.

    All the best

  4. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by jjjjjj View Post
    Yes very quite i asked what a 177 mercury chalenger in very good condition was worth the other day i had one reply but no price given, i thought about £150 maybe £200 with the right jap tasco scope, no one intrested so iam am going to keep it now.

    That was no-one interested in suggesting a price!!

    Selling, particularly in this climate is a different matter and if it eats no meat . . . . !

    Very nice and much under-rated rifles!

    Can't read the market at the moment, I've recently sold some that I thought would be difficult to shift but got snapped up and others which I expected to fly out, no interest! Good job the numbers are only just unmanageable!

    Keep smiling; holidays nearly over!! Long dark evenings will get the blood stirring again!

    May today be the best day of your life and all your tomorrows even better!!

  5. #20
    Gareth W-B's Avatar
    Gareth W-B is offline Retired Mod & Airgun Anorak Extraordinaire
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    Quote Originally Posted by TopDog View Post

    Keep smiling; holidays nearly over!! Long dark evenings will get the blood stirring again!

    Ain't that the truth? Am already compiling a winter wish-list and choosing which of mine have had their time with me, so as to choose which to put on the transfer list. Slumber nearly over chaps, as the September silly selling season will soon be behind us.

    Done my bit for the BBS:… now I’m a game-keeper turned poacher.

  6. #21
    Join Date
    Jul 2008

    Re slumbersssssssssssssss

    Thank goodness for that...being soon over that is...

    Re Mick...I sometimes forget we "anoracks" have other hobbies/interests outside of airguns....I can ad vintage ploughing to that list that I know about now....I know of..coin collectors,watches,classic bikes/scooters/cars,other bits of assorted machinery,dump diggers...& on & on....I list lusting as one of mine ...too old to do anything about it these days...I still drinks a bit...after me dog up n died..

  7. #22
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    Nov 2008
    Just moved on the Anschutz Model 335 .177 so you can be reasured there is still some life outside of this corner.

  8. #23
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    Dear Mr. Bull/& others,

    I'd contemplated buying it (335) at the original price..let alone you think the prices for classic air rifles are suppresed..? It seems one hell of an air rifle for £100 posted.......that works out at about £85 for a classic break barrel in the right calibre...I would have thought in that condition even without the rearsight 12 months ago it would have been a £150 rifle all day long....?

  9. #24
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    Nov 2008

    Sign of the times

    I could not find much info on the Anschutz pricewise so I thought £120 would be a fair valuation. It seems to me at the moment that unless you nail the price down they take a lot of shifting and I don't have that much patience.:
    I have also got an Original Model 45 in much the same condition for which I cannot find very much information so far as price is concerned. Help please.

    More gems to come later including a boxed unused Airsporter and a boxed Mercury S. I shall be spending some time searching for info before I decide to sell them.

    Roll on the dark nights.

  10. #25
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    Jul 2008
    Right on bully....only you know what you paid...& i've often shifted stuff on for what I paid or even at a's only (modern) stuff that's not mass produced or in an odd calibre that tends to get the collectors "buy it now" buttons twitching.. sometimes if you really have a must have airgun in your sights...selling at a loss to release funds is the only way to go...unless you are Mr. moneybags like I.J. & Binners.....

  11. #26
    ggggr's Avatar
    ggggr is offline part time super hero and seeker of justice
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    Quote Originally Posted by hwvixen View Post
    Is everyone off on their jollies.... seems very quiet on here at the moment..?
    Well I didn't want to start a new thread
    It has been very quiet on here recently
    Cooler than Mace Windu with a FRO, walking into Members Only and saying "Bitches, be cool"

  12. #27
    Join Date
    May 2006
    For a second, I thought the old bugger was back on here, then I looked at the thread start date Shame realy coz I did like to tease the 'old bell ender'

  13. #28
    Join Date
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    aberdare s wales
    yes it dose seem very quiet here at the moment, I am picking up a Hawk mark 2 with 2 barrels and a Merlin latter and am looking forward to that, at the prices offerd they were to good to miss. Money is tight across the board at the moment so I think people are more selective in there purchases. Still think this is the best and the frendliest part of bbs myself. atb

  14. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by Binners View Post
    For a second, I thought the old bugger was back on here, then I looked at the thread start date Shame realy coz I did like to tease the 'old bell ender'
    And there lies at least art of the problem. So many of the old "characters" have been banned (by what I would call over-zealous moderating) that at least a portion of the BBS' soul has been lost.
    Happy Shooting!! Paul.
    "We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking that we used when we created them" - Albert Einstein.

  15. #30
    Join Date
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    East Sussex, Nr Rye
    The sun has come out so I've gone nocturnal and been testing NV kit; which is more advanced than a candle. Also got out and did some zeroing All that sunshine shows up the dust so a spring clean is in order.
    Things are tight as you need to need something real bad to buy. A 335 for £120 in good nick is a bargain; what can you buy for that? Have one love it. There was a Air Logic Genesis for £750 which don't come up often. Missed the very nice Park93. I'm looking for a Challenger in .22 (normally I prefer .177, but not this time). I also want a Webley MKI Vulcan in .22 but can only find MKII's! And then there is the Mint Omega in .177.
    It might be quiet but we are still looking... just got to be the right thing.

    Phoenix meeting at the end of the month so that will be nice.

    They banned some of my favourite guns.. I hate banning.. 6 month in the cooler is plenty. (They are probably now councillors for UKIP; I like mad).

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