
I have to say that I understood exactly what you meant with regards to the can and the 1/4 inch ply. Having also enjoyed a number of HFT events at Juniper Green where the rifles were all chrono'd (all happily passing below 12fp) I must say that I agree with your view of posts that suggest otherwise.

If it was not for the fact that the competitions that you help run, at Juniper Green I would not have managed to get 2 people back into airgunning and they have both comented on the well run, safe setup and responsible shooters.

Like you say this is meant to be about enjoying our sport and sharing ideas, information and supporting one another.

Also it is rather amazing the number of 100 yard ... long range fun that we have all been enoying since a certain someone started a certain post.


Keep up the good work in Scotland as we all need to stick together