I don't usually bite, but you're very full of yourself for someone who's new to pistol shooting. Personally when new to any field I keep my mouth shut and my eyes and ears (and mind) open, but hey ho that's just me I guess.

Quote Originally Posted by shammo View Post
It's almost touching that you care so much about my opinions.

I made my points, you don't agree.

You made yours, I don't agree.

You think you thoughts are more important than mine... Whatever.

I disagree, by the way
Others including myself made their points and backed them up with evidence and the voice of experience. You just made assertions, presenting opinion as fact, with nothing to back them up. I don't think my thoughts are more important than anyone's, but the views of those with experience in any field have to outweigh the views of those with none. It's not personal it's just how it is. In a discussion on particle physics, whose opinions carry more weight: mine or Stephen Hawking's?

And I see no specific rebuttals to any of my points. Steyrs have bling finishes: does that indicate lesser design? Try downloading chairgun and seeing exactly how much difference 3fps makes to your trajectory. The thick end of naff all, that's how much.