Hi, 1st ever post after registering, been a stalker of the site for a while and now I would like to draw on any experience anyone has with my pistol.

I have an Umarex Walther PPK/S imported through Brocock in England.

I have been experiencing problems with the blowback system, whilst it does blowback with reasonable force, the gun will not fire. I have to insert my little finger and gently exert a little pressure on the small rectangular piece of metal below the firing pin. Once I have done this the pistol will fire with blowback once and then I have to repeat the process.

If if helps you understand the problem, when I replace a C02 canister, the gun will fire with full blowback in semi-automatic mode for a handful of shots and then this problkem will kick in.

Is it losing pressure or is there some play in the parts - I would appreciate any advice or pointers you can provide.

Thankyou in advance for any help you can offer.