Just spent a brilliant morning at Tawd Vale having a go at my very first FT session!

I must admit I enjoyed it as much as I enjoy the HFT sessions!
brilliant course layout, I raise my hat to the guys/girls who set it out,
you FT bods sure love the long range stuff!!, the target in the tree was a complete b****r, with the wind but at least I hit the plate.
(Bernard you are an evil git!).....thanks for showing me the ropes and explaining the rules, and putting up with a complete FT numpty!........tried the dialling thing with the turret in the back garden when I got home btw.......it works fine!!......just need a volunteer to show me how to use it/set the ranges!

Didn't get much in the way of a score.......think I got 12 or 13, but that's not what counts with me, as long as I enjoy it, (and I did!!) I don't care if I miss 'em all.
Many thanks to the chef(s) for the bacon and sausage butties! outstanding-as seems to be the norm.

Well thats about it really, thanks for a b****y good day out!

