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Thread: Sharp innova (what pellet?????)

  1. #16
    Join Date
    May 2008
    Wingham, 5 miles NW of Baz
    Quote Originally Posted by beano View Post

    matty still waiting for a tinkle off ya.... want to pick brains and more..
    I know mate - been off sick and have to go abroad with work


    Opportunity is missed by most people, because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work.

  2. #17
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Leicester East Midlands


    My Brother bought a Sharp Innova for £4. 17 Shillings from next doors Kays Catalogue in.22in flavour,

    We were shooting it a couple of months ago and he uses Marksman No:2 .22in as it came with a box of those, it is very accurate for it's age,

    Strangely enough I can still get these in boxes of 500 for around 4 quid through Redhill Revolvers,

    I have heard that the .177in Innova's are OK! with RWS Superdomes, though I have shot many old guns with SMK Spitfires,

    These may be available from Cyber Gun who took over at SMK and promptly blew out all it's retail customers

    Really! peed off about that, but check out that they may do mail order for ammo etc,

    HTH, Bernard.

  3. #18
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by beano View Post
    thought it was a big no-no to put oil in the cylinder? my 2.2 innova sometimes looses the first pump but find sometimes if you flick the trigger before pumping this sometimes stops this's 30 years since i took mine apart cos of this problem, and if i remember right there was a metal block above the trigger where a small piston released into an hole in the block for the air to release.there was a rubber o ring where the piston went in and would sometimes stick so stopping the piston returning back into i put a pellet in the hole so the piston would hit and hopefully go back - which it did and it's still working today?? more luck than judement me thinks....
    There's nothing wrong with a tiny drop of gun oil in front of the seal, so that as you close the pump arm it uses it to lubricate the cylinder.

    Of course this only applies if the cylinder has been bone dry, as you don't want too much of any type of oul or grease in there, as too much will end up in the valve, but a tiny drop does the trick and makes the pump stroke very smooth also.

  4. #19
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    Emerald Isle
    I have an older Innova .22 as well that used to blow off the first pump occasionally. Little oil as the others mentioned did the trick too . . Its been a while, but I remeber tweeking that trigger pull screw also cured this ifrst pump blow off issue ., probally not letting the sear re seat itself .

  5. #20
    Join Date
    Feb 2012


    Exactly right, if the trigger plate which has a hole in it for the valve to fly through to release each shot, doesn't return, then the valve pin will stick open letting each pump of air squeeze through the valve and making a hissing noise like the release valve does.

    This is also the reason for anyone that doesn't know, why the trigger gets harder each pump, normally by the 4th, because the way the Innova works unlike any other, is the valve pin is trying to fly out the valve body where the air is stored every time you pump, but the valve pin is constantly blocked by a thin plate which is attached to the trigger and has a small hole at the bottom, so when you pull the trigger ,the plate risses up Untill the hole aligns with the pressurised valve pin and finally the valve pin shoots through the hole enablaling all the air to escape form the valve body and into the breach of the barrel just behind the pellet and thus pushing out the pellet. And that's why the trigger gets stiffer the more pumps you put in as there's more force from the valve pin squizing on the trigger plate.

    Normally the valve is is hit in most pcps by a solid block of heavy metal in a tube shape called a hammer, to knock open the valve pin and release the stored air from the valve body, and that's why most have choking bolts as this coking bolt drags the hammer rearward and licks into possition under tension from a spring (bit like the piston on a springer) then through pulling the trigger the hammer is real eased to propell forward quickly and smashes into the valve pushing it open to allow the air in the valve to escape. A daystate of corse uses a cleaver design of electric pulse to propell the hammer forward, that's why the bolt on the side of a daystate doesn't cock anything it literally is just a probe to push a pellet into the breach of the barrel.

    I wish the Innova had the cocking bolt and hammer system like the Sheridan ect this way the trigger sears could be tweaked for the hammer release and a very good gun could be a seriously good gun. But we can't have everything I suppose!!!

  6. #21
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    Bringing it back from the dead.

    My old man has just got his venom viper .22 out of the gun cabinet. We can't remember what pellets it preferred. Any suggestions where to start after all these years.
    Steyr 110 FT Connect + Bushnell Elite 8-32x40

  7. #22
    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    I used to shoot Eley wasps out of my .22 Ace which is in the process of being refurbed. I don't know what i will shoot out of it when i get it back as the wasps "ain't what they used to be".

  8. #23
    Join Date
    Sep 2010
    Venom Viper - sweet . Fancied one of those back in the day

    Here's a possibly useful thread:

    It can be summarised as "start with Superdomes".

    As it's a pumper, I'd then move on to heavier domes, like RWS Superfield and up to BisMags/Barracudas.

  9. #24
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by Gar73 View Post
    Bringing it back from the dead.

    My old man has just got his venom viper .22 out of the gun cabinet. We can't remember what pellets it preferred. Any suggestions where to start after all these years.
    I just went into the collectors section and saw this my old sharp inova pellet thread

    Well after testing my. 22 it is really accurate out to 45 yards that I once tested with 16grain air arms field. And when I say accurate I mean I was able to produce 8 shot groups under a five pence piece,so give it a try and just make sure you slowly squeeze trigger and don't release the trigger until pellet strikes and keep your eyes focused on the target and your finger on the trigger.


  10. #25
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    I have x2 tins of AA fields in 5.51 and exact jumbos in 5.52. I also have some h&n ftt in 5.53. I will start with the fields and work up in head size.
    Steyr 110 FT Connect + Bushnell Elite 8-32x40

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