Quote Originally Posted by MAXMAN View Post
Drain cleaner works very well. 50% (sodium hydroxyde) drain cleaner to water.( diluting slows the process so you can catch it at the right time) Add the drain cleaner to the water not the other way round in a plastic tub. Put your anodised bits in. Keep agitating it as it looks like its not removing the anodising. Roughly 2 -5 mins later itll be a mat silver. Take out and neutralise in water. Polish or brushed finish looks good but thats a personal preference. Gloves and goggle are a very good idea just incase !

Atb Shaun
This is how I’ve removed anodising in the past, it’s a very effective method.

Be extremely careful though as it’ll destroy alloys if left too long. Don’t leave the part unattended and check often.

I got my drain cleaning crystals from the quid shop.