Todd is a pro shooter and it works for him and shoots 1000,s of rounds very fast on his feet which I doubt you are the reason for you to swivel on your left leg it enables you to draw the pistol at an earlier stage in the turn compaired to turning on your right leg
if your at castleton on the 8th show you the differance
I was not listening to the noise but you can see the white balls in the air looks like alot misses 2nd shoot on target 2 and 1 to left and 1 low on 3
Of cause there is safety but I think it was a bit stricter when we ran about with a loaded pistol
worst thing you could hear is stop which would normally mean you did something wrong
two violations for the samething resulted in you would have to retake your basic safety course once more
ISP Airstream mk3 March F 2.5/25mml. Sportsmatch GC2 mk3 leupold 20/50 Steyr 2014 hft March x 5/50 MTR3 ISP Airstream MK3 March x 8-80 silver, fx impact m3 element helix Ripley AR4 blue Burris 8/32 Steyr 2014 hot all .177