Quote Originally Posted by TonyL View Post
Oh yeah, been there, done that matey!

Three step children, ranging from 29 to 24 years old, so well aware of the hormones / attitude etc etc And the 24 year old has moved back in for a while, complete with screaming 12/13 weeks old grandson!!

Of the remaining four - 16, 14, 12 and 10, and the 16 year old is the typical cocky, gobby, know-it-all nightmare, although he's never brought any trouble home, thank god!

Now you maybe understand why I value so highly any time I can get off, (a very rare and priceless commodity) either plinking or here amongst friends on the BBS!

My lovely lurcher, my guns and Zeb are so therapeutic and enjoyable in comparison!
Blinking eck Tony, you certainly have your work cut out. Sorry Tone, when i mentioned the hormones, for some reason i thought you only had a couple of young children must be because you look so young and stress free