Having been through a few co2's and buying a P17 SSP I really like this design of the power plant. So much more consistent than co2!

The P17 was cheap and has already caused me trigger faults (which I've sorted). But it's got me really interested in buying a good quality single stroke pneumatic pistol.

I'm going to sell some of my co2 guns and get a nicer SSP.

I was looking at getting a FAS 6004 from Germany, but a search on here may have put me off

I'm not going to be shooting at clubs or comps, so don't want to be spending loads. It's just for my own amusement, indoors at home but I'm hooked. I know I could stick with the P17 but there are annoyances already.. like the fact it stopped working after 60 shots! And how damn sharp the dovetail rail is!

I guess I do t really want to be spending more than £300 from an EU seller (around the price of a 6004 with nice grips).

Are the reports of the 6004 warranted? Or are people comparing them to £1500 pistols? Or should I be looking elsewhere?

There's not a busting lot out there as far as I can see. Gamo compact, hw40, hw75, FAS, Alecto (or whatever it's called)

I like the idea of the decent right hand grip.