I wouldn't rely on the CIA for their intelligence. The Royals might have some German ancestry but a HW35 is going too far. We all know that they use a Webley MKIV or Fosbery for everything including vermin. Only upstarts like 007 use things like a Walther LP53 or FWB 65 for promotional shots.
The HW35 is a bit of a Tiger Tank: Germanic, heavy and blocky. No two run the same. Not as elegant as a Webley MKIII, nor slim and sporting like a BSA Airsporter. Sure they shoot better but thats not cricket. Anyhow the Original 45 is nicer in every way; the Panther of 80's springers. The FWB Sport the prettiest of them all. All eclipsed by the Theoben Serroco.