Quote Originally Posted by look no hands View Post
I've no doubt I'd love it and I'd love to be able to meet you and let you sample my rifle delights but it's just way to far for me, I do enough mileage and sit in too much traffic with too many idiots during the week, I don't really enjoy driving anymore and long distances just fill me with dread now, so unless I win the lottery and can afford a chauffeur to take me there, sorry to say but I can't really ever see it happening mate.

I fully understand your dilemma, Pete, and it saddens me immensely.

I will keep my fingers and everything else crossed for that lottery win so we might finally welcome you to Quigley Hollow.

Apart from I need to win it first, in which case I'll send a chauffeur for you. Luxury travel both ways and your choice of camping with the boys or a luxury hotel and transit to and from The Bash, whichever you prefer.