Quote Originally Posted by angrybear View Post
Because the point has been made politely & still seemingly you refuse to accept it

PP publish their terms,
part of signing up for an account is to tick a box that you have read, understood & agree to those terms,

Yet you seem to think that someone who breaks those terms should be able to do so without repercussion, but the firm is "weaselling out" if they enforce them

There are two definitions of stupid;
One is to repeat identical actions & expect a different outcome, the other is to break rules & expect no comeback.
Thankfully the law, doesn't have the same stick up it's ass that you have...

Terms and conditions have to be 'reasonable' and so try and pretend you're a new customer...have a look at paypal's site and try to see what they will and won't cover before you sign up.
I can't see any exclusions...and that would be your due diligence.
Therefore you might conclude that paypal does offer you the safety they are selling.
Burying the information in some hidden page after you've signed up is not reasonable and would form the basis of the claim.

Stupid is also not thinking for yourself and repeatng everyone else's mistakes