Ok, sorry guys, thanks for your help. I wasn't really asking for immediate information I was just trying to state what research I have done and how I can't find out much about that gun.

All that I can see on the gun is Webley "Junior" .177 - There is a number between the trigger and grip that says J21770 and on the front of the gun there is a number 770. I think the grip might be tin as if you flick it it makes a hollow sound like tin. I cannot see any other information on the gun that could help with finding out information about it. But as I've said with my research on google I can't seem to find another gun that has the same grip. I'll try and get pictures up soon.

Again, I'm sorry if I "disrespected" you guys or whatnot by coming on here and asking questioins right away.

Thanks for your help.