Bruce, peak power is not produced with a TP of 3mm, that means a TP of 3mm is not efficient. As you increase the TP dia the power grows till eventually it peaks and for a small further increase in TP dia you can tune the distance from the breech face the piston stops before slamming into the breech you can tune the bounce point.

Peak power is around 3.9mm, 4mm gets the piston a little closer to the breech face (and lets not forget piston weight plays a part also)

So if you increase efficiency you can use a weaker spring...however this may not be ideal but often does result in less felt recoil.

On an O ring piston you need to go smaller with TP dia as the pistons fly faster and generally the O ring is more efficient with less lost volume, so peak efficiency may be 3.5mm...i fell in the trap of expecting an o ring head to work like a synthetic seal ...they don't.

So quick answer is it should require less preload.

I tested 3 to 4.2mm in .1mm steps and settled on 3.9, i know Wonky likes 3.9 also, JB likes 5/32 which is just a nats over 3.9, T20 uses 4mm, BTDT runs 4mm on his 77k....the list is long for rifles that all run very close to the same transfer port ask yourself why