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Thread: Any idea how many licences have been issued in Scotland

  1. #31
    Join Date
    Oct 2009
    it does not matter what BASC did or did not do. the license scheme was going ahead no matter what . the Scottish Government did not listen to proof .there was no way they would say it was backing down.

    from a newspaper article in 2013
    Justice Secretary Kenny MacAskill said: "In 2011, the Scottish Government gave a commitment to introduce a robust system of air weapon licensing designed to enable police to better protect our communities by taking these potentially lethal weapons out of the hands of those who would misuse them.
    "It is no surprise that the consultation into this issue has attracted a significant number of responses expressing strong feelings from both sides of the debate, and I am grateful that people have taken the time to give their opinions on the proposals.
    "We have always been clear that licensing will happen and this has been a valuable exercise in highlighting issues and drawing out concerns around our suggested changes.
    "It is important that we now consider all views submitted as we continue to develop a system of licensing that is fair, proportionate and practicable for police and shooters alike.
    "It is simply not right that in a modern Scotland air guns are available without a licence

    do you honestly think they would listen to the people that opposed the scheme? their mind was made up.

    it was not a case if it would go through ,it was a case when.

    BASC and SACs did all they could di as did 87% percent of the public . David Ewing is not David @basc. david Ewing is joe blogs off the street.

    the scheme got the green light in 2015. so what if David has not said anything since 2016. the scheme was started in 2015 and implemented in June 2016.
    Last edited by bighit; 26-03-2017 at 09:20 PM.

  2. #32
    Join Date
    Oct 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by Jimny4x4 View Post
    You are referencing OLD Material from years ago BEFORE the legislation was even passed .
    Linking to dated and old 'Public Statements ' is NOT the same as showing they are pro -active in the fray making members money go further to promote our hobby .

    I repeat - ZERO relevant updates in their flagship magazine [ other than to say "Its now illegal ..blah blah " over these past months - and - ZERO relevant updates on their website . I just checked and again nothing new .

    Like most people that are down here we want to know what was/is being done SINCE THEN ..... by such a pro-active organisation ?
    Feedback from airgunners north in Scotland is NOT good .

    As for forum member DAVID (?) I would suggest if the BASC have a spokeperson on here , they give regular updates - on forum for everyone to read .
    It really is that important if they want me to spend money and join them .
    I was unaware they had a spokesperson here - and so would most people - DAVID Basc has not been on here and made a post on the most important change to our shooting since ermmmm .....Nov 2016 ...

    Assuming 'David ' is a spokesperson ( apologies if not David ) then sort of proves my point about accountability and being totally out of touch with the average airgunner .
    The BIGGEST changes to our way of life and they cannot keep the nations biggest Airgun Forum updated as the deadline approaches/ passes / has
    past ????

    Everyone is worried that this fiasco will come south and so far its the BASC thats our last defence .
    other than the cats protection league petition there is no word of it happening in England or Wales .so why would BASC be writing about it ? you don't know what is being done in the background.

    also the English government said a year two ago they were confident no scheme was needed in England and Wales.

    if your so worried why not email BASC and ask them?

  3. #33
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    An Clachan
    It's done and dusted, it's all "old" stuff. Look to the BASC web site, all info is to be found there.

    BASC did plenty and as a full member I'm a happy camper, well as happy as I can be under the circumstances

  4. #34
    Join Date
    Jan 2017


    Quote Originally Posted by GoodWILLHunting View Post
    It's done and dusted, it's all "old" stuff. Look to the BASC web site, all info is to be found there.

    BASC did plenty and as a full member I'm a happy camper, well as happy as I can be under the circumstances

    Well I can only imagine the changes up there , and under the circumstances you now face I understand the need to stick together .
    BigHit claims it was all going to happy anyway .... and thats my concern , that acceptance somehow diluted a response .
    For example
    1- the Application Form should have been challenged - as it appeared .
    I saw it online and its a hybrid pasted-together piece of rubbish .
    Who has a Gun Room to lock their airguns in ? Who uses a locking steel cable for their Airguns ?
    None the above a legal requirement or so I am told by airgunners in Scotland so ...WHY ?
    An oversight ? If so easily corrected by a national organisation capable of advising the Police or complaining to the Scottish Government .
    2- the balls-up lead in time . It took the powers to be from the passing of the legislation to the following summer to then start the Application process - and ...guess what - 6 months only to get a Licence or face prison . A balls-up nothing to do with BASC but a national organisation would/should have argued publicly and in private that the lead in should have been extended .
    So did they - you guys have all the answers here ?

  5. #35
    Join Date
    Oct 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by Jimny4x4 View Post
    Well I can only imagine the changes up there , and under the circumstances you now face I understand the need to stick together .
    BigHit claims it was all going to happy anyway .... and thats my concern , that acceptance somehow diluted a response .
    For example
    1- the Application Form should have been challenged - as it appeared .
    I saw it online and its a hybrid pasted-together piece of rubbish .
    Who has a Gun Room to lock their airguns in ? Who uses a locking steel cable for their Airguns ?
    None the above a legal requirement or so I am told by airgunners in Scotland so ...WHY ?
    An oversight ? If so easily corrected by a national organisation capable of advising the Police or complaining to the Scottish Government .
    2- the balls-up lead in time . It took the powers to be from the passing of the legislation to the following summer to then start the Application process - and ...guess what - 6 months only to get a Licence or face prison . A balls-up nothing to do with BASC but a national organisation would/should have argued publicly and in private that the lead in should have been extended .
    So did they - you guys have all the answers here ?
    1 from the home office
    Safe Storage As mentioned above, it is now an offence for a person in possession of an air weapon to fail to take reasonable precautions to prevent a person under the age of 18 from gaining unauthorised access to it. There have been several deaths as a result of children getting hold of air weapons. These tragedies might have been prevented had the air weapons been stored safely. Below are some simple steps to follow to reduce the risk of any such incident:
    • In many cases, it will be sufficient to store your air weapon in an existing, suitably robust, lockable cupboard – keeping the keys separate and secure.
    • alternatively, you could use a lock or locking device by which your air weapon can be attached to the fabric of a building, or to a fixed feature. Or you could use a security cord, lockable chain or similar device attached to a point of anchorage within the building.
    • Even where children are very young, or are not normally present, it is preferable to use some form of security cord or similar device rather than simply storing your air weapon up high and out of reach.
    • Anyone who already holds other firearms could use their existing gun cabinet for their air weapon, provided this does not compromise security.
    • Air weapons should be stored within the occupied part of a building and not in an outbuilding, such as a garage or shed.
    • If you keep a number of air weapons, you might find it useful to consider some of the security measures suggested for licensed firearms. This information can be found in the Firearms Security Handbook 2005, available on the Home Office website.

    The law changed in 2011 and it is now an offence for a person to fail to secure an air weapon in a way that reasonably prevents an unauthorised child under the age of 18 from accessing it. Further information on your responsibilities can be found in this Home Office leaflet. this from here .

    if you follow the link in there it takes you to the safe storage bit at the top of my reply .

    so are all the Scottish air gunners you have spoken to seen this ruling? if not you might want to bring it their attention.

    a clamp ,gun cabinet ,gun room, or other is options that some owners that have an FAC or SGC have in place at present . they are not saying you must have a gun cabinet or gun room.

    not sure if they still do it today but in rural locations a clamp was seen as ok for a shotgun, no cabinet needed.

    my FEO told me on the phone a locking wardrobe or even a lock on the door to the room the airguns are would be ok.
    I have a cabinet as I own FAC rifles and a shotgun.

    put your airgun in the wardrobe with a trigger lock on it.

    also put it this way, if some one broke into your home would you like them to steal your airgun if it has a bug price tag?

    venting your spleen on here about what BASC did or not do is not going to get you answers. ASK BASC what they did or did not do.
    Last edited by bighit; 29-03-2017 at 06:26 PM.

  6. #36
    Join Date
    Oct 2009
    from SACS

    Do you need a gun cabinet for airguns from next year?
    No. A locked room or cupboard or trigger lock or security cable would suffice in most circumstances. If you have a gun cabinet and kids in the house then it’s common sense to pop them in the cabinet.
    There’s a great wee leaflet on airgun security from the Home Office. If you Google ‘air weapons safety’ it’s the first link.
    This is a good and easy-to-follow guide to airgun security, safety and law, though obviously it will not include the new Scottish airgun law. The security measures outlined in the leaflet will be the accepted airgun security standard in Scotland.
    In summary: common sense applies. If you use your head you’ll keep your airgun certificate.

  7. #37
    Join Date
    Jun 2016

    At last!

    Air weapon certificate just arrived, only 6 months since I applied. Only £5, valid until FAC and SGC expire. Number on certificate suggests about 10,000 issued so far.

  8. #38
    Join Date
    Oct 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by Ragle Jnr View Post
    Air weapon certificate just arrived, only 6 months since I applied. Only £5, valid until FAC and SGC expire. Number on certificate suggests about 10,000 issued so far.
    I will get mine when I renew my fac and sgc. End of may it's due. FEO visit on the 13th of April.

  9. #39
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    Sorry for butting in your thread gents. Can I ask how many air rifles can be owned under the licence scheme ? And if I went up to scotland to shoot in a comp would I require a licence?

  10. #40
    Join Date
    Nov 2012
    Kelty, fife.

    Cool No of rifles

    Targetmark, it is the person who is licenced, not the guns. So the answer is as many as you like / can afford. Or in true terms, as many as your missus lets you have.

    If you are venturing north, you will need a visitor permit, available from police Scotland
    Last edited by petethemap; 30-03-2017 at 05:31 PM. Reason: more info

  11. #41
    Join Date
    Oct 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by targetmark View Post
    Sorry for butting in your thread gents. Can I ask how many air rifles can be owned under the licence scheme ? And if I went up to scotland to shoot in a comp would I require a licence?
    yes you would need a visitors license. unless this covers you. If you are aged 14 or over and hold a valid firearm and/or shotgun licence issued in England or Wales on 31 December 2016

    I'm covered on my FAC and sgc until my renewal but I can't buy a rifle via a dealer unless I have a airgun license

    Visitors to Scotland
    If you’re travelling from England or Wales with an air weapon
    From 31 December 2016, you will need a visitor permit to own, use, purchase or acquire air weaponswhile in Scotland. Visitor permits are issued by Police Scotland. You can apply for a permit after 1 July 2016.
    If you’re travelling from England or Wales, and hold a valid firearm or shotgun licence.

    If you are aged 14 or over and hold a valid firearm and/or shotgun licence issued in England or Wales on 31 December 2016, you won’t need a separate licence to own or use air weapons while in Scotland. If the licence was granted or renewed on or after 31 December 2016, then you will need a visitor permit.
    Even if you have a valid firearm or shotgun licence, if you want to buy an air weapon in Scotland and walk out of the shop with it, then you will need a visitor permit.

    If you’re travelling from Northern Ireland with an air weapon
    A Northern Irish firearm certificate will not allow you to possess an air weaponin Scotland. Visitors will need a visitor permit to use, buy or acquire air weaponswhile in Scotland. Visitor permits are issued by Police Scotland. You can apply for a permit after 1 July 2016.

    If you’re travelling from outside the UK with an air weapon
    You will need a visitor permit to own, use, buy or acquire air weaponswhile in Scotland. Visitor permits are issued by Police Scotland. You can apply for a permit from 1 July 2016.

    I want to borrow an air weapon while in Scotland, do I need a permit?
    If you will be shooting under the supervision of a licence holder, or at an approved club or other authorised venue, then you shouldn’t need a permit. However, if you will be shooting on your own then you will need a visitor permit. If in doubt you should contact Police Scotland for advice before you travel.

    If you want to buy an air weapon while in Scotland
    If you want to buy an air weapon and walk out of the shop with it, then you will need a visitor permit.
    You can buy an air weapon from a Registered Firearms Dealer and have the weapon sent directly to your home country without requiring a permit.

    I live in England or Wales but travel to Scotland regularly, can I get an air weapon licence
    Yes - licences can be granted to people who live outside Scotland. The licence will only come into effect when the person crosses the border. You should apply to Police Scotland in the normal way

    consensus is that if you are in and out of Scotland every few months they say just to buy the full license rather than the visitor ones every few months

    visitor permit is £20 a time .full license is £72 for 5 years . not sure if the full license at FAC or sgc for £5 covers English or welsh shooters.
    Last edited by bighit; 31-03-2017 at 04:30 PM.

  12. #42
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    Many thanks for the replies fella's.

  13. #43
    Join Date
    Sep 2012
    Paisley, Renfrewshire, Scotland.
    Quote Originally Posted by Jimny4x4 View Post
    Well I can only imagine the changes up there , and under the circumstances you now face I understand the need to stick together .
    BigHit claims it was all going to happy anyway .... and thats my concern , that acceptance somehow diluted a response .
    For example
    1- the Application Form should have been challenged - as it appeared .
    I saw it online and its a hybrid pasted-together piece of rubbish .
    Who has a Gun Room to lock their airguns in ? Who uses a locking steel cable for their Airguns ?
    None the above a legal requirement or so I am told by airgunners in Scotland so ...WHY ?
    An oversight ? If so easily corrected by a national organisation capable of advising the Police or complaining to the Scottish Government .
    2- the balls-up lead in time . It took the powers to be from the passing of the legislation to the following summer to then start the Application process - and ...guess what - 6 months only to get a Licence or face prison . A balls-up nothing to do with BASC but a national organisation would/should have argued publicly and in private that the lead in should have been extended .
    So did they - you guys have all the answers here ?
    where were you when it was all happening up here? There were plenty threads on the BBS and every other forum about the licencing legislation. everyone in the UK had the opportunity to respond to the proposal.
    Its a little too late now to be questioning what happened. We did our part then, and we'll do it again if the RUK want to introduce airgun licencing in any form.

  14. #44
    Join Date
    Jan 2017

    Airgun Licence

    Quote Originally Posted by thisisdonald View Post
    where were you when it was all happening up here? There were plenty threads on the BBS and every other forum about the licencing legislation. everyone in the UK had the opportunity to respond to the proposal.
    Its a little too late now to be questioning what happened. We did our part then, and we'll do it again if the RUK want to introduce airgun licencing in any form.
    Well if you are happy with it all so be it .
    One thing for us south in England to sign a petition to help you out , but these 'irregularities' were overlooked .
    With respect when I am raising a query , I am not venting my spleen as one person here has put it .
    When paying good money over the counter I ask questions - the more I ask the more I see wrong .
    I notice most that have replied to this thread have no Airgun Licence yet , and those that do have divided interest what with shotty and fullbore taking up their shooting time .
    Me - airgunning only .

  15. #45
    Join Date
    Oct 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by Jimny4x4 View Post
    Well if you are happy with it all so be it .
    One thing for us south in England to sign a petition to help you out , but these 'irregularities' were overlooked .
    With respect when I am raising a query , I am not venting my spleen as one person here has put it .
    When paying good money over the counter I ask questions - the more I ask the more I see wrong .
    I notice most that have replied to this thread have no Airgun Licence yet , and those that do have divided interest what with shotty and fullbore taking up their shooting time .
    Me - airgunning only .
    I don't need one till the 28th of may unless I want to buy a new airgun.. if I buy it now it costs me £72 .i have paid £5 for it to start on the 28th of may . so do I pay £5 or £72?

    I paid £70 for a fac,sgc and airgun license .

    current fac or sgc owners don't need one to hold or use one until their renewal is due hence they don't have one.

    there is a fair few on this very forum that do have a license but have not replied here.

    and how many use a shotgun, rim fire or shotgun in a barn shooting pigeons, magpies or crows?

    people that use a full bore or shotgun for pest control may also have a air gun for rats and birds in barns or close to the farmhouse where a rim fire, full bore or shotgun is not safe.

    just because they shoot more with full bore rim fire or shotgun does not mean they dont have an airgun.

    and the FEO that was in my house on Thursday said a fair number of fac or sgc shooters were applying for the airgun license.

    have you contacted BASC or SACS and asked what they did?
    Last edited by bighit; 15-04-2017 at 02:35 PM.

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