Quote Originally Posted by MikeHW45 View Post
We discovered today that the reason he's been feeling crap is because he has chicken pox . Poor little bugger is all polka dot today. I had a ride over to the surplus store on the bike and had a bit of a look to see whats available and I reckon following your advice will probably go for a crosman at some point. They certainly do some cracking little lightweight rifles for juniors. I also came across a really nice Baikal Makarov C02 pistol in nickel finish which was stunning (for me). They are more or less built using the exact same parts as the real model in the same factory. Serious weight and quality so might save up for one in the future. Also somehow the 68 mile round trip doubled on the bike. Not sure how that happened.
The poor little lad. He'll be under the weather for a while then, Mike. But at least that's the old chicken pox out of the way then.

Glad you managed to get across and have a look. Nick (Tinbum) used to be a bit of a fan of those Makarovs. Not sure if he still has one. They do look nice. The Umarex Walther PPK/S is nice too.

Not sure how that happened re the trip mileage. It just kinda happens on a bike doesn't it?