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Thread: Airtech rifles, Deal or no deal!

  1. #16
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    dealt with him once had no issues

  2. #17
    Join Date
    Jan 2013
    Yes I have dealt with him in the passed, no problem then but I have now.

    I did receive two emails early on, first apologising with a promise to look into it, the seacond with a tracking number, that doesn’t exist.

    Nothing since!


  3. #18
    Join Date
    Oct 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by bucketboy View Post
    Definitely a no deal.

    I Ordered some carbon tube a month ago, it didn’t arrive, apparently lost in transit, despite numerous emails from me, Carl is not replying, no carbon, no refund.

    Very poor customer service, I am having to put a dispute in via PayPal, I don’t know why he won’t give my money back, I will get it eventually.

    Can’t say what I really think about his attitude as the auto chensorship would have a meltdown !!!

    You will have bought the carbon tube from e bayyou will most certainly not have bought it from me simply because I do not sell any carbon on e bay and I do not sell any carbon full stop it is my wife who advertises items on e bay not me so get your facts right and the reason she probably has not given you any communication is because both me and my wife are in china and have been for some time can you actually show me and everybody else the e mail address you have been using for communication I can guarantee you now it is not my e mail address if you are going to slate me off get your facts right first better still you give me whatever the details are over this carbon tube and I will kick my wife’s ass and get her to reply to you. But you can rest assured now it’s been drawn to my attention I myself will look into this I will post my findings on this site so everyone can see when I know the facts myself

  4. #19
    Join Date
    Oct 2011
    Right a update on this carbon matter I have asked my wife about it and I’m being told it was lost in post by the company Hermès I know all about any of this as I have already stated I don’t sell anything on e bay. The wife is forwarding me her communication with the parcel company when I have this I will copy and post it here for all to see.

  5. #20
    Join Date
    Oct 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by woodpigeon View Post
    keep seeing this problem with this guy,china,sick relative etc etc.sorry but not good enough,shame really as his work is said to be top notch,no good though if you cant deliver the goods or even respond to customers.
    It might come as a shock to some people but I have a life of my own. I’m not here for your or anyone else’s beck and call. My wife is unusual in the aspect he has two parents both live in china one died a couple of years ago so we went back to china now her mother is going down hill very fast so we are back in china again. Not that my life has anything to do with you. But rest assured my wife and her family come before any of my work

  6. #21
    Join Date
    Oct 2011
    Right a update on this carbon I have asked my wife what is going on and she has said it has been lost in transit she has put a claim in against the company but as we are in china and I know this to be very true from it happening to me once. She can not refund the amount while we are here in china because if she logs in to her PayPal account PayPal will see a log in from another country china and will 100% put a block on the account. This once happened to me I tried to buy something from e bay and as soon as it came to pay PayPal blocked the payment. She has said to me when she is back it will be sorted out. But I am great full to you for slating me off when it’s absolutely all to do with me

  7. #22
    Join Date
    Oct 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by guy View Post
    waste of space, sent them 8 barrels from rapids to be rethreaded and reblued about 3 years ago..... took 9 months to get them back. every excuse in the book. had to ring the other pump business up which they run and speak to his wife to get them back. do a search and they come up under many a dark cloud.
    Let me reply back to this one
    Going back a few years ago we was looking at installing our own blacking tanks this guy sent us some barrels to screw cut and black. I did the thread cutting no problem but when it came to blacking the barrels we could not black them they was coming out a sort of purple colour after many attempts still no good so I sent them out to be blacked even the blacking company could not black them a while later I was talking to our barrel supplier and explained the issues we was having. He told me it’s because of ???? I’m not saying what it is but sure enough as soon as that was done to the barrel it would black without any problems at all. It was a massive learning curve for me regarding blacking. Now we have it right and our blacking is perfect. Perfect in the fact if you look on YouTube Tony from Daystate is talking about how good the blacking is on a Webley mk3 I did that blacking. But thanks again for spending the time to slate me off

  8. #23
    Join Date
    Oct 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by woodpigeon View Post
    quite,the sick relative excuse has been used before.
    Maybe some of us have two parts of the family a dad and a mom let’s see when the time comes where one or both of your parents are on there last legs. Can we all comment on that too. I will be the first to comment.

  9. #24
    Join Date
    Oct 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by woodpigeon View Post
    do they have face ache in china
    No it’s banned so you simply download a vpn to overcome it

  10. #25
    Join Date
    Jan 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by airtech View Post
    It might come as a shock to some people but I have a life of my own. I’m not here for your or anyone else’s beck and call. My wife is unusual in the aspect he has two parents both live in china one died a couple of years ago so we went back to china now her mother is going down hill very fast so we are back in china again. Not that my life has anything to do with you. But rest assured my wife and her family come before any of my work
    You may not have access to your PayPal account but you do to you emails.

    A simple, “ I am sorry I am abroad at the moment, will deal with this on my return” would have gone a long way ease my concerns.


  11. #26
    Join Date
    Oct 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by Fearny View Post
    Over a month?! Well, that's going down on the "avoid" list!
    So if you have a sick mother in hospital and you have been told to expect the worst what will you do after travelled 6k miles to see then. Would you say hi it I need to be back at work Monday. Well I can see where your family morels are. Not me I’m afraid I will stand by my wife in her time of need no matter how long it is

  12. #27
    Join Date
    Oct 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by bucketboy View Post
    You may not have access to your PayPal account but you do to you emails.

    A simple, “ I am sorry I am abroad at the moment, will deal with this on my return” would have gone a long way ease my concerns.

    You have never sent me any e mails fact you sent them to my wife you never bought any carbon ever from me personally fact because I do not sell anything on e bay that’s my wife who uses my Airtech name. My my e mail address is so now you know my e mail show us all your e mails to that address. Or shall I answer that one for you. You can not because you have never sent any e mails to me again fact.

  13. #28
    Join Date
    Oct 2011
    Back on the carbon thing again. I’m now being told my wife had 3 carbon parcels that went missing in the post. She cannot log on to my Hermès website from here in china for me to be able to identify you as one of these people give me your real name that you used to buy the carbon with. I myself will then be able to see your e mail to her regarding this. But don’t go slagging me off when it’s nothing to do with me again fact.

  14. #29
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by airtech View Post
    So if you have a sick mother in hospital and you have been told to expect the worst what will you do after travelled 6k miles to see then. Would you say hi it I need to be back at work Monday. Well I can see where your family morels are. Not me I’m afraid I will stand by my wife in her time of need no matter how long it is
    No one is saying you shouldn't stand by your wife, or come back to work. All they are asking for is a bit of communication to let them know what's happening.
    You've found the time to make several posts on here, so surely you could send a few e mails out to explain the circumstances.
    Most people don't mind waiting for things if they know there are certain circumstances causing the problem.
    You've come on here all shouty when you could have just explained what was happening, in a calm and sensible manner. You haven't really done yourself any favours.

    I'll definitely be adding you to my "do not deal with" list.

    Having said that, I do wish you the best and hope your current personal situation improves.
    GOOD DEALS...Here,post 6404

  15. #30
    Join Date
    Oct 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by jeff0100 View Post
    No one is saying you shouldn't stand by your wife, or come back to work. All they are asking for is a bit of communication to let them know what's happening.
    You've found the time to make several posts on here, so surely you could send a few e mails out to explain the circumstances.
    Most people don't mind waiting for things if they know there are certain circumstances causing the problem.
    You've come on here all shouty when you could have just explained what was happening, in a calm and sensible manner. You haven't really done yourself any favours.

    I'll definitely be adding you to my "do not deal with" list.

    Having said that, I do wish you the best and hope your current personal situation improves.
    If the said guy had actually sent the messages to my e mail I would have replied. But as he was not dealing with me and did not send any e mails to me I don’t know do I. It was drawn to my attention by someone on Facebook I was getting a slating off so thought I will have a look. You obviously do not go to china. Otherwise you would be well aware of the blockages that are put on websites I can only get on them because I use a vpn now try logging into your bank account or PayPal account using a vpn. See how far you get. But I would appreciate people getting there facts right before slating me off. This transaction is nothing to do with me. It’s the first I know about it.

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