Quote Originally Posted by loiner1965 View Post
cleaning my stainless steel 1858 is a doddle and to me is part of shooting it.
At my club they had complaints of the smell and smoke of bp guns which is a minority to be fair and we had to use 777 or pyrodex.
Now we can use bp again as long as its quiet but i was the newbies that was complaining, after all it is a gun club so you have to expect the noise and smoke.....we have new upgraded fans too
So you can shoot BP so long as it's quiet? Huh? How does that work out? Physics being physics and all that.....as for noobs complaining about the noise and smoke, well, imagine that, a gun club has noise and smoke - whooda thought it? JW.

I'll stick to BP and LOTS of noise and LOTS of smoke - perhaps your noobs would be better off with rubber-band guns, where permitted of course - those loud twangs must be really upsetting.