Absolutely wonderful to see all you lovely peeps again.
The very best of times spent amongst the finest company in such lovely, relaxing surroundings.
Neil, a big thank you once again for the hard work in planning and making it happen. You're a star.
It's always lovely to see every single one of The Boingerpeeps and it was great to talk to so many.
A few special highlights and observations:-
Pete, don't sell the '97; it's lovely.
WOW! To those lovely TXs that Nick brought along. Truly, truly lovely with the most refined and unobtrusively polite firing cycles ever and with minimal sight picture disturbance and resulting easy-to-tap-into accuracy.
Another WOW to Craigy's extra special little HW30 with beautiful one-off ash stock. A truly wondrous creation and such brilliant firing manners. I must make one!
LGV - why, oh why, did Umarex / Walther stop producing these modern day classics?
Michael - that 280. I'm sure a little application of dampening grease will improve manners further. And playing with some barrel weights may yield some pleasing results.
Mr Clogger - thank you for the HW45 play. Loved it and the chat, as ever.
Gav - What an excellent find with the Venom (hopefully) Vulcan.
And, surprise of the day goes to Pete, looknohands. Pete, you're a little tinker for keeping your planned attendance hush, hush! But what a nice surprise to finally get to meet you. I hope you had a most excellent time.
. And I'll hang onto that stock for you.
Have a great time this evening, peeps, and I look forward to seeing you in the morning for more boingery fun and quality chit chats.