Generally we are aware of the big sellers. Some genuinely do it as part of their hobby and never have any issues. To be fair to the seller here, anything could have happened to the rifle between it leaving him and the buyer receiving it. We've all seen the videos of parcels getting thrown over walls and kicked around the depot. Add to that the numerous sales that he's conducted without any complaints being raised.

I'm playing devil's advocate here by the way, I don't approve at all of the lack of communication and desire to resolve the issue.

"Traders" are constantly having sales access removed, so it's definitely something we try to keep on top of. I think it's fair to say though that following this incident, I personally will have less tolerance for those that appear to be using the forum for their own gain.

It's worth a reminder that we're generally talking about secondhand goods bought unseen without any form of guarantee. There will always be an element of risk.

Take care.
