Quote Originally Posted by TonyL View Post
I didn't realise there was an issue with the barrel bolt, evert. The one on the one that I had was that tight it wasn't going anywhere and as I didn't deem it absolutely necessary to remove the barrel, I left it in situ. Although the cocking linkage did, indeed, appear relatively flimsy, the cocking effort on this 12ft.lb rifle was so effortless that I guessed it wouldn't ever cause an issue. And I liked the little "L" synthetic slider that they build into it.
Point accepted on the spring guide. A really sloppy fit and very little support. But things were fine and very refined once treated to WW guide and top hat.
The barrel bolt does not squeeze the forks together, it just holds the barrel block against one of the sides.
Another point against Gamo is that they have soon replaced every part on the guns they sell with plastic.
Plastic barrel blocks, plastic barrel forks, plastic transfer port....