My best memory was a disaster for friend in a way .

We lived in a small vbillage and back in the late 70's early 80's we use to get up to such stuff as war games with air rifles lol well let's say e use to go over the woods and there where trenchs and alsorts , this time we had all had enough and called it in shouting and then all sat round at the top of a big bomb crater and we worked out someone was missing when a pellet fizzed past us then another we all took cover and started shouting for our mate to come in but nothing well i worked out he had to be high up as the pellets came in tothe trench we hid in so i looked round the trees and thought hmmm the only tree with enough cover to hid him was a holly right t the other end so i lined up with my scope scanning the tree and wizz pellet came past again so i took a rough figure onthe part he could be in and fired next thing out fell our friend lol omg i know bad but he fell out and we all rushed over he was screaming like a stuck pig , we all said shut up you poof lol wa not until we saw why he was screaming the hand he had been holdingthe tree truck with i hit his thumb nail it was bleeding a bit but was black as the ace of spades oh we laughed . i know bad story really but bad then health and safety meant nothing to us .

Please kids never point a gun at each other i know but a a say was the late 70's early 80's different times